They new ones are great, but we need red in the design. Can pop be red in #37. Also can you do the design from #35 on a white background with pop red and the face still white just less angry.
Thanks. Could we see #40 with the face and the white between the letter and the outline, gray instead of white. Also, could you make the shadows less extreme on the face. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback on this design, but it needs to be tweaked. Thanks again for your hard work!
On #69 can you move Vox to the left side of the face and Pop to the right side, shrink the face to fit and integrate it more with the words with coloring or a line, etc...possibly with gray.
On #70 can you shrink the face a little and brighten the rays some so they are more noticeable.
We really like #81 can you change the gray outline to black and one version with gray in-between the letters and the black outline, and one version with white in-betwen the letters and the black outline. Thanks!
Could you make the black outline around the face the same thickness as the black outline around the words? We like this logo a lot. Thanks for your hard work!