Can you add BREWING under the VorTex on each one? Maybe throw in Est. 2015 as well? I love the first logo you did (#19) and i will be ranking shortly! On #19, could we make the circle part of the logo bigger?
Entry 31 is still looking great and 33 is too. We are playing with "should we put Brewing Co" on the name or not. Can you duplicate these two with BREWING CO? Also... on 31, can you make the difference in the size of the V -or- T -ex- a little more obvious? I think just having that V and T stand out more would be a good look. Again just do a duplicate so we can keep the original 31 since we like it so far.
Also on the ones I have ranked #1 and #2, do you think we could do a separate new version with more differential between the size of the V and "or" and then the T and "ex"? Maybe shrink the lowercase ones a little more? I don't think it needs to be a HUGE difference but just want a little more clarification between those letters :) Thanks!
..very slight 'aging' was added to #38, perhaps i should of made it a little stronger :/ No worries, ill rework the sizing a little more for you too :)
Is there anything else you think we should try to revise or try?
On the 2nd ranked one (#45)... Could we see that one with the red color outline outside the black outline like #48? Just duplicate it so we can keep #45 since that is actually the one we like best right now!
I can try revisions if you like, but i think its looking pretty cool at the minute. Ill see if i can do more to it without ruining the look and style, but cannot promise anything :/ Ill rework the #45 as requested now and will upload again shortly :)
Well I think we have a winner with #45. Can you think of anything else we should try or go for? What's your opinion on the beer company name and look we have going on?
Cool. I actually think its a pretty neat name for a 'homebrewed' beer. I say that, because on our visit to Chatsworth last year, i drank many (MANY) of them, as we were helping a friend out on a stall. All of the labels interested me obviously, but i also noticed the names. Interesting to say the least ;) I do like what you have above here, i think it would work fine :)