I like the boldness of the colors. I don't care for the star just because this is a business not a non-profit. Not sure about the dot above the V but I like that the V is prominent letter! Thanks for the great job so far!
Thank you. Do you have any idea element that I may try to add to my current design? maybe flag, leave, or any object that may related to spirit of organization. Thanks for advance - ian
That's exactly what I want to communicate on my A concept :) I think it's maybe important for audience to understand your organization easily. Thank you.
Very Cool. Is it possible to make the I in VOICE into the top part of the person's legs from the A concept. Just a thought. I like the person in the #5 ranked.
Ian, Loving it so far. Hey can you move the O on top and the t on bottom to the right so that the V can stand along in the box if need be. It would be great to have that for thumbnails on social media sites. Thank you!!
Update work. A little confused which requests should I do first for you :) However, I thought the latest request maybe is the best to provided. Hope you like this, thank you.