Vobal Technologies, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vobal Technologies, LLC

Vobal Technologies, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 248 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.




























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Wow, I like them both! (#25 and #26)
I totally get what you're doing with the ship, and I like it a lot. I'm just not sure about how it makes the L look... I love the concept, I'm just not too fond of the aesthetics of that sharp corner...
I like the green o in #25. And the globe in #26 certainly helps explain the "obal" part of the name...
Does communication come across in these?
I like these a lot as clean designs... just need to get a little more info in them (cell phones on ships is what we're trying to convey...)
Beautiful work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you raraviv,

will do more revisions on the comming days for you.

goodluck on your contest!
14 years ago
#43: oh, wow, I love the idea of signal strength bars in the o! Too bad they are too small to make out in a smaller logo... they'll just end up looking like printing errors, I'm afraid. Of course, we can have a large logo with the signal strength and a small, clean logo without them, but I imagine that would get hard to manage as we get bigger...
#44 is a bit busy around the o with the radiating lines and the screen depth shadowing/light effect inside.
#45 is awesome! I like the removed corner from the stern of the ship on the L. I'm wondering if it matters that the bow (v) and stern (l) aren't the same height...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
My revisions

(This comment references Entry #75)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there,

Since I was confronted by a fellow designer about having his concept on mine. I am now offering designs removing the boat form from the word vobal. I hope you uderstand.

I hope you will like my new concepts and designs they are not far from my old ones.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
A new concept for review. ^_^

(This comment references Entry #86)
14 years ago
Re: May 13 comment: I do understand. Sorry about that situation.
Re: previous comment: I like these new concepts. They lend some freshness to the ideas that are here.
My main struggle is the color scheme, though. While in theory I don't want to be limited to the color scheme we've already got on our website, the pragmatic side of me says that changing our business name is tough enough without having to change our whole website. If I can get away with just changing out the logo, that would make my life so much simpler (and cheaper). :-)
We're a very small company, so we're a bit resource constrained.
Is there a way to (mostly) maintain those designs but with our existing color scheme?
14 years ago
By the way, of the new ones, we like the waves (sounds waves, water waves, radio waves) inside the vobal like in #87 and #88.
Of the previous ones, I think we like #81. Still struggling with loving the status bar concept, but it just reading like smudges when the logo is small... Not sure if there's a fix for that. What if you dropped the battery status and enlarged the connection status (not too much, but just enough to help the read)?
(I don't know if that will work... I just get ideas and until I see them actually drawn out I can't quite visualize how awful they look) :-) That's why I'm not a designer...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I have no problem with revising based on your request. Actually it helps alot by giving us feedbacks just like you did. I will check on the site and for sure will review and revise as necessary.
14 years ago
Wow, great!
Going in order:
#95: what would it look like if the wavy line were green instead of white? The O can be either blue or green.
#96: What if the blue line went all the way through (you'd only see hints of it between the letters)?
#97: What I love about this one is the fact that the image to the left can be a standalone (like the square icon in the tab of a website). Also, on the one hand I like the reflection, because it mirrors the metallic top of the V-cube nicely, but on the other hand, it almost looks like it spells something, but not quite, so it's a little mentally distracting.
#98: It is with a sad heart that I think I need to declare the fantastic status bar idea dead. I just don't think it's going to work. :-(
#99: Three colors in the b make it look like an L and an O smashed together. I prefer the b in #100.
#100: I like how you turned the whole thing into a boat. I like this design A LOT. My only concern is that, between the jumbled nature of the text and the almost free-hand waves, does it make the whole thing a little too whimsical/child-like? Not that there's anything wrong with whimsy, but does it have the air of professionalism we're looking for? (To be honest, I'm not sure where we need to be on the playful/serious scale, which is why I copped out and left the slider in the middle... My fear is that my personality is playful, but my business needs to be serious, which is probably why I can't decide...) :-)
PS, after talking to my business partner, I think we're leaning towards the more serious side (not super-serious, but probably a little less playful than #100...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your detailed instructions.
In return I have the following revisions for you.

Entries #103, #104, #105, #106, #107, #108 are revisions of Entry #95
Entries #109, #110 are for Entry #96
Entries #111, #112, #113, #114 are based on #97 Its an abstract front of a ship on water =)
Entries #115 and #116 are from Entry #100 a more serious type. ;-)

Again I thank you for choosing me as one of your top designers.

If ever you need further revisions just let me know.


14 years ago
Oh, I see that now... (abstract ship front). I thought it was a V with satellite floating on top of it, but more than anything, it looked like a V with a flying saucer... :-) (#111-#114) I think people will see UFO before they see ship... oh, and the reflection looks like it says ADRYD. :-)
The fewer waves helps with the seriousness (#115, #116), but the font is still a little jumbled, if you know what I mean... The o is a different height from the v or the b, the o overlaps the v a bit, etc. I like the look, but it ends up looking a little less serious as a result.
Of #103-#108, I like #104 and #105 best. Not a fan of the fully green O in #103, and the white-outlines lines in the others are a bit busy. And I'd like to add a third color only if it brings something to the table.
Of #109 and #110, I prefer 109 because of the placement of the line through the top hole of the B in 110. But I think I prefer the contrasting line of 104 and 105.
14 years ago
I like #138! And If that wins I might also need to purchase the ship from #132, with the V on the bottom and in the top of the waves, as a webaddress square logo (you know, the little icon that goes next to the address in the browser?)...
It probably won't look good, but just for grins, do you think I could see #138 with split waves (like over the ship in #132)? I like the idea of a subtle V in the whitespace of the lines.
Also, and I'm almost 100% sure it will be too busy, can the ship in the O of #138 have that stylized V bottom? It's probably asking too much of that little space, but as I mentioned, what I visualize in my head does not always come out looking right when it's actually drawn out.
14 years ago
By the way, please don't get offended, but I'm going to clear out some space in the rankings, so most of the intermediate work product is going to go into the not interested pile. It's just for ease of display. Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
nope it would be better for both of us by clearing some. haha!

I will do revisions and will submit asap.

Thanks again!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
hmm.. I think the split waves are a bit distracting since they are already broken on the word vobal. But hey its totally up to you. The V on the waves is a cool idea. =)

(This comment references Entry #156)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another option

(This comment references Entry #158)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the boat with a V in negative space for the O. ;-)

(This comment references Entry #160)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The ship here is submerged on the water of the main logo =)

(This comment references Entry #163)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Icon preview =)

(This comment references Entry #169)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
If you have any more request just let me know
before the contest ends because once it ends I cannot
submit anymore since LT restricts us unless you'll make me Rank1.
14 years ago
I agree... the broken waves are distracting (although broken on top and on bottom kinda looks like we're sending signals to the 4 corners of the earth... but on the whole, it's not clean enough, so I don't think it's worth pursuing that idea).
I like the negative space V and I really like the submerged ship.
All in all, #163 is my favorite of this bunch.
I also like the preview icon.
I've got some tough choices later today. Thanks for all your work, Chris!
14 years ago
Quick question: is that the same green that's on our website? It suddenly looks a little browner to me.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a more accurate color based on the old logo

(This comment references Entry #180)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Again thank you for considering me as one of your top choices but hopefully I would win since gosh this are tons of revisions haha! but nevertheless its a healthy competetion though others seems to copied me.
14 years ago
There's a fair amount of tweaking of existing ideas going on... but I think I know who came up with what first and will do my best to not let derivative work be the winner.
Thanks again, Chris!
14 years ago
Re: # 180: Can Technologies be in the same blue as Vobal instead of gray? I just realized it's a bit hard to read when small. I don't think it needs to be bigger, just a little darker to increase contrast with the bkgd.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Ronnie,
Oooops. as I have said before once the contest has ended
we are restricted from submitting any further revisions since we are not ranked #1.
If you want I can provide the revisions.
14 years ago
Yeah, I thought there might be time to sneak it in before the contest ended.
That's ok... I'll use my inadequate imagination... :-)
14 years ago
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