Vobal Technologies, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vobal Technologies, LLC

Vobal Technologies, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 248 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
my first concept. word vobal is like a ship letter b is a chimney and out comes the voice

word technology is like a sea. i must make better boat :D so its more understandable. but if people have imagination they see a boat already :)

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Good job with entry 4. You accomplished your goal nicely. It looks a lot more like a ship now.
Can we incorporate the green that is on our website? What about making the water only as wide as the ship?
Nice job.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks i will make the changes soon
14 years ago
Logo Designer
vobal text color is from the website too. from the go2call text :)

(This comment references Entry #10)
14 years ago
I'm not 100% certain I actually like the changes I asked for. :-)
The shorter water makes the vobal look less like a ship and the green seems to clash a bit with the color of the water.
I do like the green in there, though... can the water color be adjusted a bit to clash less? And maybe split the difference on the width of the water so the word goes back to looking more like a ship, but not with so much water sticking out on either side.
I also noticed that the b, if made a little more narrow, could look like a cell phone handset, which would work quite nicely for our business...
(Entry #10)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks i do the changes soon :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The general rule is that, if a Designer was the first to submit the idea, they essentially own that concept or idea for the remainder of the contest.

using word vobal as ship/ boat is my concept
14 years ago
I understand your issue. Your entry #1 did not look much like a ship in my opinion, though you did state that was your concept in the feedback. Your entry #4 did look like a ship, but verbavolentbranding's entry #2 looked like a ship as well. Since then, many others have submitted ideas that looked like ships.

I do not know if everyone has access to the comments for other designers. If not, it looks like verbavolent came up with the idea on his own, which leads me to think that it's a pretty straightforward idea.

Respecting every Designer's ideas, I have never asked anyone to make their word look like a ship if they didn't have a logo that way themselves. I have only asked for adjustments to their logos based on their initial entry. If their initial entry looked like a ship, I may have asked them to make this part longer or shorter, but I never asked anyone to make the word look like a ship if they didn't do so on their own.

It would be up to the Logo Court to decide if it falls under an obvious concept or not. They can look through all my feedback for the various designers to see if I have violated the CH Guidelines. I certainly hope I have not.
14 years ago
#48 and #49 look more like a ship than #47. I like those. The more I look at the waves, though, the more they bother me. Perhaps the line is too thin? Perhaps the waves are too sharp and pointy? Can the waves be a bit more elegant?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
everyone can see everyones comments
14 years ago
#54 and #55 stopped looking like a boat to me for some reason... I like the new water in #53 (#52 the color clashes).
14 years ago
I can't decide between #53 and #56! I'll ask around and see what people here like, but I keep going back and forth...
Quick question: when I mouse over and expand these, it looks like there are tiny separations between the curves of the waves (it looks like you connected a bunch of flipped arcs together). Is that just an optical illusion or a format conversion error, or are those separations going to appear in a bigger version of the logo?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
yes it is made using arcs but it is like one solid line. i saved my file again. maybe its better in this time.

(This comment references Entry #57)

if theres anything you want me to try then please let me know

#56 is less busy looking IMO
14 years ago
I agree with you about #56 (and now #57) looking less busy. Also, when it is smaller, technologies is a bit harder to read in green.
Thanks for the fix on #57. That issue seems to have gone away.
I can't really think of anything else... maybe playing with the number of waves? One didn't quite work, but maybe two or four? Up to you... whatever you think looks nice.
Thanks for all the hard work. We're still up for a few more days if inspiration strikes. Good luck!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i played with the word technology tried different fonts. so next 15 entries each have bit different font.

(This comment references Entry #60)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i shaped the letter V to be more of the boat/ship nose.

(This comment references Entry #83)
14 years ago
#66: I like the way Technologies looks like it's the underwater part of the ship. Drawing an imaginary line along the V and along the L through the waves frames the word best in #66 (though the right side can be moved out a tiny bit more). We should do that with whichever font we end up choosing. I don't think we need to get fancy and angle the T or the S or anything like that, though...
#64: This is the font we like best. Good combination of size relative to vobal, thickness of the lines, readability, and just a hint of asymmetry.
#85 is the best boat shape by far.
If you can combine all those, that would be great!
14 years ago
#91 is almost there. I like where the S ends. Can the T start a little more to the left? Draw a line straight down from the bottom left corner of the V, and put the T halfway between that line and where it is now (give or take...). Because of the thin crossbar on the top of the T, there's an optical illusion that it is not quite continuing the line (at least that's how I see it...) Thanks!
14 years ago
By the way, I need to clear out some space in the ranking, so I'm going to move most of the working trial-and-errors into the not interested category. It's just to make some room...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
yes sure :)

sorry about the flood of entries :)
14 years ago
Don't be sorry about that at all! Lots of entries is great! :-)
As for the placement of the T in Technologies: I think if you split the difference between #91 and #93 that will work well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
any changes you want? or something?
14 years ago
Not unless you can think of anything... It's a really good logo. I'm really happy with it and you should be very proud of it. We'll see how it all shakes out compared to the other submissions, but as you can see, it's very highly placed. Thanks for all the work!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i like it too, because its not overally busy or something. So its easy to use and memorable as well
14 years ago
Logo Designer
little changes. i tried different water

(This comment references Entry #173)
14 years ago
Well, if you're already playing with the water, can I see #102 with the water color like in #173 (a 2-color logo)?
Also, instead of 1 "wave" like in #173 or 7 waves like in #102, what about 2, 3, 4, or 5 waves?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#177 looks better yes, cool thing with this logo is that it works very well with black and white version. aka if somewhere cant be used any colors but black. and it is readable in small size too. I tried to size it to 1cm in width and its still readable. :)
14 years ago
Congratulations! And thanks so much for all your hard work.
Can I get the color numbers you used (RGB, CMYK, Pantone, whatever...)?
Also, what fonts did you use for Technologies and for the oba in Vobal?

We'd like a highres jpg, if possible, and also a nice grayscale version, just in case.
14 years ago
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