One more thing - it would be great to have the greyscale versions of them too - so that's really four total (non-gradient color, gradient color, non-gradient greyscale, gradient grayscale). Again, I don't know if that's possible but that would be great.
Thanks for a lovely design! We're excited about it.
Hey! We are unsure how this works - we love this one and also 696 - we are torn on whether we will want the gradient or not. Will we have the option of having the source files for both? I assume no, but I wanted to ask!
Can we try a grey scale version that matches the gradient and color pattern of the Blue and Orange one? Meaning the center stripe of the sail is differentiated. Thanks!
Really liking this. Could we try some other color options, and a greyscale? Maybe a blue and orange (with orange being the accent?). Or others that might work
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Thank you.
Thanks for a lovely design! We're excited about it.
thank you.
if you want, you can get both files.
Thank you.
thank you.
thank you.
thank you..
sorry for wedge/triangle above the M
I can't use it because other designer already use it.
and that is a violation.
I have update my design.