Here are some variations of an icon. Want to push the colors and even try maybe violets and I had one with a vivid pink and orange until I noticed you said you didn't want pink.
Any suggestions and input appreciated.
If you would like to take a look at my portfolio and if there is any style that you like or colors please let me know. Also any elements in the illustration, colors, fonts, cap/lower case, layout are interchangeable and can be altered.
Thanks for your entries! In terms of the panda, I think we want to stay away from anything that is too 'real'. I could see some possibilities for abstract use of a panda face, due to the white and black contrast (or possibly just using the black aspects?), but it's really just up to the design.
At this point we are looking for designers to push the envelope and move beyond just the bamboo stalk and leaves that remain popular, unless they have something really different and creative to do with it.
Here is an abstract looking down into the hollow of the bamboo shaft... The variables are endless so if you see anything that is heading in the right direction please let me know what you would like to see and I will do that for you.
I will work on some more abstracts including the panda later today.
Thank you for the different concepts! I'm liking the route the panda is going. The big thing with going the panda route, is that it needs to be able to stand along from the name. Almost as a icon for the brand that also integrates into the name seamlessly. The only other thought I have is giving it more depth. Thanks again for your continued efforts!