#36 is beautiful but a bit too detailed. We like #58. Please provide in a red-orange shade as well. We also noticed that you used the "V" shape in another client's logo. That doesn't make us feel like the logo is an original, stand-alone concept! Perhaps you can make the V a bit more sharp around the edges, while maintaining the same wrap-around feel as it goes around the globe.
Thanks for feedback, I appreciated :) I have been withdrawn my entry at another contest. Here's the logo using red-orange shade. Please, feel free if there are must be improved the logo or color may be and order can as close as the logo you after.
#58: Can you please refer to #43 and find a way to use that same "VEW" symbol concept in your logo? We'd like to have the same V/globe that you used, placed above the VEW symbol and maybe keep the website underneath.
Is your contest still running ? I just wonder do you need more option the logo or revision the design. By the way, I really hope the contest still running.