Thanks for trying, and I can see that you've been doing your homework (looks like some Martini influence here) but this is still not quite on the mark. Please check with us again once the blind phase is over. I only have 3 designers for the 16 (or so) ranked designs.
Thanks for your patience and for continuing to rework.
it's not the gradient that's the problem. Feel free to add them if you think it will make a difference, and we can always see what they look like without. I'm eager for this blind phase to be over, because if you could see the designs that are ranked near the top, it might help to clarify.
Also, he is REALLY picky about the car silhouettes, and he's only given ONE (out of many) the thumbs up. Right now I have one very strong silhouette design, plus one strong checkered flag based design, and then several that are very good with elements that look like speedometers (or tachometers?) and things like that.
Your emblem above is superb for a classic feel, but what I need for this contest is contemporary sizzle.
Also, lots of designers are giving me wacky fonts. He continues to reject those for wide, bold, conventional fonts.
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Thanks for your patience and for continuing to rework.
Also, he is REALLY picky about the car silhouettes, and he's only given ONE (out of many) the thumbs up. Right now I have one very strong silhouette design, plus one strong checkered flag based design, and then several that are very good with elements that look like speedometers (or tachometers?) and things like that.
Your emblem above is superb for a classic feel, but what I need for this contest is contemporary sizzle.
Also, lots of designers are giving me wacky fonts. He continues to reject those for wide, bold, conventional fonts.