No 24 Is it possible to add the following text in a circular arch above the existing text Vintage Voyages
Weddings Events Tours or Weddings Events Private tours if there is enough room.
The car has distinctive horizontal crome slashes on its grill, see photo of car, could they be hightlighted on the design? Thank you for your efforts so far..
Yes you will get one design and i think ir's good to be consistent across all forms of branding material. If you want other designs, we can discuss that once the contest gets over
Hello Dennis, 29 31 23 and 24 are our favourites. The Vauxhall Velox Caleche is a distinctly darker red called Regency Red, you can pick it up in the photo. The door has a distinctive cut away sweep where the off white hood fabric comes down see photo
Both these are distictive features of the car, could these changes be made? Bill
Hello Dennis, Sorry to see you had withdrawn your logo, I had a quick survey in the past 24 hours and it was chosen as no 1. I logged on this morning to chose it as No 1 but found it withdrawn. Can you sell the file? Please advise. Regards, Bill
Apologies for that but as I saw that i was dropped down the ranking and thought that you didn't liked my designs that's why i have withdrawn....didn't knew that you are doing a survey....I have reinstated them, please check
Your logo received the most votes in my little survey. The logo is intended to atttract attention to the business through magnet signs on the car doors as well as business card and webpage use. One issue I have is that your shading of the cars softtop does not confirm the car to be a soft top convertible, as compared to the car illistration of the other designer in the contest. The other designers car can easily be identified as a Vauxhall Velox Caleche, darker red, the low off white sweep along the door is longer. I'm not certain what it is but the other designers car grabs my attention more. The shadow below the car could be looked at. Thank you for your professional attention and patience so far. Warm regards, Bill
My daughter just put it right when she commented the car image needed to be ' less like a cartoon image' more realistic like the other car in the competition. I hope this helps. Regards, Bill
Hello Dennis, My daughter and wife give the tick of approval. You have done a wonderful job, thank you. I don't know if it can be improved. The only thing I would like to check is to put a coloured printout of it onto the cars door to see how it stands out,, especially the border/ edge of the logo against the door colour. As you know the car is a deep red, the other car is a maroon and black colour. Warm regards, Bill
Hello Dennis, No 64 , current number 1, looks good on the car doors. no need to change background. I don't know where or how but I would like to get the phone number of my business on the it so customers can note the number. Ph. 0400 101716 On a business card it doesn't matter. It may not be possible, maybe replace the words weddings events tours with the number but that is not ideal, not sure how to solve this, what do you think? Bill
We'll leave the phone number out. I'm ready to finish the contest with the current number 1 . I don't suppose the file you send me will allow me to fiddle with colours? Regards, Bill
yes you can always change the colors in the eps file which will be sent to you after the contest gets over. Its a vector file and changes can always be made in that