#99 -- A nice idea but I'd like to see richer purple and a bigger logo in relation to the words. A little bit more symmetrical but not quite like your #98 (I like the shape of your leaves in #99 better. Thanks!
yes I like it, especially #126 but I also like 127 and 125. I think this is really something to work with -- only an hour or so left until I must select the top 5.
I like your work a lot and would like you to keep trying and keep in mind that the winning design needs to be a symbol to be placed on products (food products, textiles products, even promotional materials) to represent our fight against human trafficking. The image may or may not have the words 'stop human trafficking' under or over the image, so the image itself will have to be strong and carry meaning by itself. So for this reason there cannot be a great deal of detail. Thanks!
#140 - This is a nice change to your previous work. Is it possible to do the following:
1. make the lower petals droop a little 2. I prefer the other purple you used before (like #136) 3. somehow it doesn't quite look as much like a lotus as your previous submissions (136, 126) -- can you find someway to integrate some elements from those two and #140?
I like #158 alot. My concern is that although the image is bold and beautiful I am not entirely sure it looks like a lotus. Can you integrate petals drooping down into #158 to make it look more like a lotus? Try it with and without the line under the image. Great work!
Please note that I've now ranked you as the #1 designer for your #160 entry. I'd like to ask you to make some changes. If things go as I hope, in 17 hours you and I will work together to refine this design:
1. First, the big center petal looks like it is in front of the petals on each side of it 2. Move the big petal back to create more of a 'bowl' effect 3. Then, move the petal on each side of the big petal a little bit closer to the center petal. They seem just a little bit spread out right now 4. Experiment with a sort of 'lotus seed pod' in the middle, where all the petals sort of come together. 5. Finally, change how you write STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Put STOP on the top line and HUMAN TRAFFICKING below. The word 'STOP' can be moved up slightly to fit near the flower.
Here's the update #163 hopefully this is what you mean. The center petal move to back with each side of the petals come together giving the illusion coming out from the lotus seed pod.