Thank you for the feedback. It is very hard to keep the geometrics from the first version when changing the perspective, but I feel I was able to maintain a bit of the feel from it.
Please let me know if you want to see more changes.
#88 -- this is really nice! Can you try with a single shade of purple (I'm concerned that when we use this symbol on products it will be quite small and the subtleties of shades might not work -- the color of #18 is my favorite so far...). Also, it's ok to even make the bottom petals droop a little. Otherwise I love the direction you are going with!
I really like image #88 and have you ranked 2 now. Can you try with a single shade of purple (I'm concerned that when we use this symbol on products it will be quite small and the subtleties of shades might not work -- the color of #18 is my favorite so far...). Also, it's ok to even make the bottom petals droop a little. Otherwise I love the direction you are going with!
I like your work a lot and would like you to keep trying and keep in mind that the winning design needs to be a symbol to be placed on products (food products, textiles products, even promotional materials) to represent our fight against human trafficking. The image may or may not have the words 'stop human trafficking' under or over the image, so the image itself will have to be strong and carry meaning by itself. So for this reason there cannot be a great deal of detail. Thanks!
Finally uploaded the next version. Thank you for your patience. I have gone back to the single shade used in my original design and the petals are adjusted and slightly rearranged. I did not add any text to this submission either. If you to se that I can do it on the next version.
Right now our team ranks you as the #1 designer. Is it possible to quickly do a sort of 'negative' of all your designs? In other words, reverse the purple and white colors in all your designs? Thanks!
I just uploaded three reversed version of three of the logos I have submitted earlier. The one with two different shades of purple on the flower does not look as good as I would like it to. I can only apologize about that. I do not have the time I need to make it look perfect right now, I am in a meeting and did the alternations during a break. I will be able to make it look better once I can put a little bit more time into it.
In less than hour I need to finalize rankings. If it stays as it is now you will be chosen. I understand that we still have a 6-7 days to work together to adapt a bit to come a final version. I asked my team (about 20 people) to select their favorite and they chose your designs. We do have some ideas to change it a bit -- maybe alter to color a tiny bit, a few other ideas, etc., but will deal with that once we finish this designer ranking stage.
There is always room to make changes to a winning design after the contest has finished. As far as I am concerned the most important thing is that both you and I feel good about the final design. If it takes ten days instead of seven it is no problem for me as long as it is a continuos process.
If you decide to go with my design just let me know what we need to tweek and I will get right on it.
Dear bergsjo: We have selected your design! We would like very much to work with you over the course of the next week or so to tweak your design. Is that ok? Thanks, Rick
By the way, my name is Rick Reece, Director of Village Focus International. My email is We can begin to communicate via email if that is easier. I'm not quite sure of the requirements of the Logo Tournament or if it is acceptable for us to communicate directly by email in the future. Thanks,