Very nice colour and text. Change the bottom part with a wave? And if somebody can help me with how to download pictures on logotournament, I can show everybody how the house looks. The actual house with your pen can be very nice. And maybe change the trees on the left side with the landing stage/ dock (given that I can download pictures).
Thank you for the feedback, expect to see the photos for making changes. You can upload photos but i really dont know how work. thanks again, best regards Francesco
Thank you for nice suggestions! Your colourpalette is the best among the suggestions so far. Is it possible to shrink the landing stage a little bit, and can I see how it looks without trees (simplify the picture)? Is it possible to keep the same impression, and simplify the sea as well? It is important to me that the logo can work in black and white. Your entry #18: Nice as well. Can we move the text to the right side of the shield, so it can work on a streamer/flag/pennant?
The vawes is better. The thickness of the lines in entry # 31 is good and the sideways compleeting of the line in entry# 29 might be a good combination. Better without trees. Even more space between Villa and Solstrand. Could you make a version where you put a dot ( ● ) both sides of the words, and increase the space between the words, so that the name is gooing almost all the way around? : " Villa ● Solstrand ● "
I made a new version of the house with new fixes, like the old one or new house? I have a problem with the links of flags .... I can only open a page that sent me. Thanks, Francesco
Thanks again for nice suggetions! Your entry #33: Like the corrctness of new hose - this shos the uniqueness of the building better, though I like the simplicity of the old house. The way the veranda in the first floor came out, was brilliant Can you based on the new house, turn it slightly so we only see it directly from frontside, end shrink it quite a bit so everything looks calmer (space around the house) ? The text was nice now!
Your entry # 35: Obviously I was unclear in my feed back. This was not what I meant at all, but it came out nicely. What I tried to explain, was that I look for a version that can fit in on a flag with this format. Logo and text.
Thanks for new indications, I start to work now and will send new work soon. Thanks for your patience, my English is not very good. King Regards, Francesco
Like the new suggestion on frame in #59. In this picture, can you make the house as in #34: * Shrink the house so it is space for moore air arouond. * Keep the angle, and cut out the shadow-part on the left side of the main house. * Show the low part of the building on the picture.
Good morning, I sent the new work now, I hope that now is fine, but I have a question, the third point that I asked you told me I did not understand very well. In the lower part of the house you want exactly the same cutting angle of the photo or the details? Thanks a lot, Francesco