dear contest holder here are my entries for your contest just to make a start #1 #2 #3 #4 please feel free to contact me if you need modifications kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
dear contest holder thank you here is entry #17 #18 with the color you requested and some more entries with different ideas #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 I hope you like them please feel free to contact me if you need revisions kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
Hi !! Wow you do amazing designs !!!Could i see #22 with a different font and without the shading in the backround just to see what it would looks like. Thank you!!:))
thank you it is a pleasure participating in your contest :) here are revised entries with different fonts #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 I hope you like them please feel free to contact me if you need adjustments kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
Hi and thank you :) here are revised entries with a little thinner font variations #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41 I hope you like them please feel free to contact me if you need adjustments kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
Hi!!! can i see #43 the frame in black to see what it would look like.Also can i see #43 with the V without the end swirl. Just concerned you cannot tell it is a v.Can you also use the same purple from #40.Thanks!!
Hi :) here is revised entry with the border in black and the the V without the end swirl. #54 for adjustments please feel free to contact me kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
Hi can i see #36 and #43 font with maybe a small design on top and bottom. I love the frame but worried it may be too taste specific for my clients. I love the fonts but wanted to see some different designs that are more simple and chic around the fonts. Thank You!!
Hi here are revised entries #61 #62 #63 #64 #65 I hope you like them please feel free to contact me if you need adjustments kind regards Tzina - lotus creative
Hi here are updated entries #109 #110 #111 I hope you like them please feel free to contact me if you need adjustments kind regards Tzina - lotus creative