The tooth is not supposed to look like a leaf, it's supposed to look like a tooth. The NEGATIVE SPACE, at the root of the tooth what is in the shape of a leaf. It's an abstract representation. If you want to make it more apparent that it's the leaf, than you would reply to me:
Thank you for your entry and your hard work. This isn't what I had in mind as representation for the tree of life. Maybe if you can provide a sample that emphasizes the leaf more, and make it a more literal representation.
I am sorry my husband could not understand the negative space concept for the leaf. He did not mean to offend you. Thank you for you hard work, but we wanted to see something more obvious about the tree of life for our patients to see. Do you speak any spanish? If yes, sentimos mucho el mal entendido. Thanks
Thank you for being more considerate of the time I put in designing your concept...I really appreciate it :) I will try to come up with a better representation for the tree of life. Si, hablo espaƱol...Suerte :)
This concept combines 3 teeth to make a lotus flower. The lotus flower is made from the negative space of the three teeth. The lotus flower's symbolic meaning is spirituality, awakening and life in general. It creates a sense of tranquility and absoluteness. Because it grows up from the soil, through water, and then into the air, the flower, metaphorically as well as literally, connects the three spheres of earthly existence- land, sea, sky- and embraces the metaphorical associations attributed to life.
As far as the type, I strongly disagree with emphasizing the word "Vida" because your most important word in your business name is "Dentist". So I've created a layout that gives prominence to Vida and Dental, but slightly emphasizes the "Dental" more.
Hola Christian: We loved the whole concept!!! Focusing more in the word dental and the lotus flower it is perfect for us. It is a powerful meaning that fits us perfectly. Gracias!
Christian: Thank you very much for your design!!!! Congratulations!!! The concept fits our practice and life como anillo al dedo. Perfect! Good luck with all your future designs. Sincerely, Waleska & Stewart
Your welcome, and thank you for selecting my logo as the winning entry...Hope it attracts a lot of customers :) I'm uploading the final files now. The eps contains the vector artwork, plus all the color and font specs you will need to maintain design consistency. Suerte :)