Entry #2 & #3 l really like this concept the only thing is the red and the teeth in the C l dont like are you able to resubmit removing this and trying something else in there?
Thank you so much! I am uploading a few more ideas that I came up with. I'm really glad that you like the concept I've designed. I am a big fan of "shared letters". Such as having the "C" as part of "Vicious" and "Cycles"...from an artistic standpoint, it really fuses the logo together nicely.
It is pretty late here, so I will work on some more ideas I have tomorrow and post them as well.
Great job yes l am liking the shared letter theme too! Some feedback from friends is that there may be too much of a graffiti look going on if l have the wall in the studio and the logo doing the same thing, also that it may be hard to use it on merchandise or replicate in general. l like the shared C and l like the bike wheel in the c. Can you rework the font now with a few different options? Keep it funky but maybe a bit more structured ( if thats possible?? )
Sorry l feel like lm working you hard! Im still liking yours the best but l dont think l like the block letters. Can you re look at that? Do you have a website l can see that you have designed?
Just wondering if you are still going to work on my logo havent heard from you for a few days, you must be busy! l like it and think we can get it where it needs to be!
So sorry I haven't gotten back to you! I actually just got back from a business trip from Los Angeles. I am working on your logo right now and I'm definitely still interested in working on your logo! I'm having so much fun with it. :) I have uploaded a new version with a much less "blocky" letter feel. I really hope that I can deliver something that you LOVE! :) Please feel free to let me know any more insights into the logo so that I can give you something that you want, exactly.
Oh good to have you back! l want to stay away from cursive writing though its too soft!! Have a look at some of the other ones l am liking and see if you can steer more towards that look!
I'm definitely back! :) I will stay away from the cursive. I agree it's a bit "soft" feeling. I am working on a couple more right now that I'll be posting shortly for you to review.
Are you still liking the shared "C", or would you like me to steer away from that?