#148 - I like how the dot on the I is above the overlap of the V and I. This logo is not interesting enough for me. I'm generally not looking for 3D, and these letters are a bit block and bold. It's not engaging or clever which are real musts. Thanks
I like the feel of these, and #170 is my favorite of the two. I'd like to see a little less gradient, a different shape on the dot over the i (maybe just a circle or square) and less pointy letters. Finally, work an additional creative element to give it a unique or engaging aspect and you've got it. Thanks for these new entries.
#209 - i like what you did by dropping the V down a little. Not loving the tail of the e that creates a box. It's still a little pointy for me. If you rounded the edges a little to take away the sharp points, I think what would be a nice logo. #215 is too busy. #208 is nice and simple. Just too pointy. I think I'm leaning towards an orange color though.