Via JesusLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Via Jesus

Via Jesus has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 204 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.










































































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Not sure I like the cross being incorporated in the "J" on "Jesus." Looks pretty good, though. Would just like to somehow have the cross separate. I definitely like #5 better than #'s 3,4. I really like the slogan being underneath the picture rather than on the side.
10 years ago
#6 - Definitely like the placement of the cross in this entry! I also like the color scheme better, too. Thanks!
10 years ago
I like the slogan being part of the design... possibly underneath the logo somehow as in entries 3-5
10 years ago
#5 - Really like the design of the word "via" in this entry. That is really neat. I also like the color scheme. Also really like the cross being in the middle of the design and the slogan underneath. Just would like to see the cross somehow incorporated in the middle without being part of the "J" in Jesus.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
revision send. please check and provide feedback. thank you
10 years ago
#5 really like the way you made the "v" in "via" in this entry. Would like to see that somehow in the design
10 years ago
#5 - Really like the "via" being lowercase and pointing to the cross, but I don't really like the Cross being incorporated into the letter of Jesus, at least not so far. Is there any way the Cross could be at the center of the logo, perhaps dividing the two words "via" and "Jesus"? Also, the font of the word "Jesus" is not my favorite. Lastly, I like the slogan NOT being italicized. Cool ideas so far, though. Thx!
10 years ago
Please give some updated designs containing some revisions from the comments above. I really like the "via" design in #5. Thx
10 years ago
#61 - Really cool design! I especially like the font you are using. I also like the line dividing the Title text and the slogan text. I would still like to see this same sort of design (definitely don't change the font) with a centered cross (a cross in the middle of the design). Also, I would like to see it with a darker green instead of such a lighter and brighter green. Please do not remove the ones submitted so far, that way I can compare and contrast between them. They are all very nice! Thanks for the work!!!
10 years ago
#62 - This is my favorite design you have entered so far. The darker green font is much nicer, I really like it. They symbol also appears a slight larger. #63 is also very nice. Both of these entries look amazing. Your color scheme is what is so sharp and clean; that and your slogan font. I really like your slogan font.

There is really only ONE THING at the present that I would like to see you implement in your design:

1. I want to see the "...via" and "Jesus" letters in the slogan coincide in color with the letters in the main title. I want the "...via" in the slogan to be the same color as the "via" in the title, and I want the "Jesus" in the slogan to be the same color as the "Jesus" in the title.

This minor change I think will really boost and enhance this design! Thanks for all the hard work!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
revision #95 #96 send. please check and provide feedback.

thank you
10 years ago
#95- Very nice! Love the slogan design
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you
10 years ago
Your text, color scheme, "via" design, and slogan design remains unbeaten. I would like to see some more options (with the same color scheme) concerning the image part. Still VERY GOOD, though. Thanks for all your work!!! PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE TITLE OR SLOGAN AT ALL... I like it a lot just how it is!!!
10 years ago
Hello! I have decided that, unless someone presents something that I like better, your title and slogan design and color scheme are my favorite. I also really like your image in #95 and #96. However, I also really like the image that kps used in entry #83. I would like to see his image design with your title/slogan design AND colors. Your colors and title/slogan design are my favorite, and no one has been able to match them thus far. I emailed administration and looked at the "Help" page concerning a situation like this. I do not want to offend or injure this tournament or the designers; however, I also really want to have a logo to my best liking. I did not know if there would be some way that you and kps could work out a deal (with me included, if needed) so that I could see this design. I will only contact kps if and when you give the "ok." Again, I am willing to work with both of you to get my desired design simply because what I am using it for is of great importance to me. Please let me know as soon as possible if an agreement can be reached. Thank you so much for the ideas you have presented and the work you have put in. It has helped me out a lot in narrowing down the logo that I truly desire to represent my labor. THANKS!!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
you are right, the contest must be fair. and appreciate the designer code of conduct. I think you can win the two logos that you like. If you agree, I will help you to combine between my logo and the logo of KPS on the final file. better, before doing that you contact the admin LogoTournamnet first. I will find it hard to split the money with kps, because we are different countries. I hope you can understand this situation...
10 years ago
Sure thing. I will contact admin and let them know that you have agreed to combine the two logos. I have not contacted kps yet about this idea. Feel free to go ahead and contact him if you like. I just want to make sure that I know all of the details concerning the "merge." As I said before, I really like the best of both designs, and I want to see a combined logo. Thank you for the help!!! Please keep me updated about the process of the design!
10 years ago
I have contacted admin concerning the situation. Thx!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I will make revisions as there is certainty of the admin. And hope everything goes fluently.
10 years ago
Awesome! Thanks again for your help! I really appreciate it...
10 years ago
I hope that I am not making too many demands or comments, but there are just a couple of things that I would like to mention.

1. The only other thing that we could do is see if you could design some sort of image that would not infringe on kps' concept, but would depict the same sort of idea and be somewhat similar in form. This may not be possible, but just a thought.
2. I just wanted to make clear that this combined logo idea is something that I WANT TO SEE FIRST before I make a final decision. If we see a combined logo and it DOES NOT look as good as what we intended, then I will have to choose one or the other.
3. For certain, I like your title, slogan and color scheme the very best. I DO NOT wish for these to change the slightest bit.

Thanks much!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I understand what you want. if you create a logo similar to the KPS I got points violation. I do not want it.

What keywords do you want in a logo? evergreen trees?
10 years ago
Yes, I like the evergreen tree concept that kps used. I like that it could also look like a river or a pathway. Something along those lines would be great. Just please do not change your title and slogan design, as I already like those very well.

Concerning the combined design, when and how will that work? Can that only happen after the contest or something?

10 years ago
Hello! I would like to see you design something that represents the evergreen tree and is similar to KPS design, but not the same. Here is what I am meaning:

My concern with adding kps image to your title and slogan is that the image will not look that nice with your "v..." in the title "via," and I DO NOT want your title and slogan to change. I like it JUST HOW IT IS RIGHT NOW.

So, if you could present something that displays tree/path/way/stream, etc., but WOULD ALSO LOOK NICE WITH THE "V..." in "VIA", please let me see it.

Thanks !!!!!!
10 years ago
Hey creak, was just wandering if you generate something that would correspond with my previous comment concerning the tree/path/stream/way concept. I like your current image, but I am just wanting to see some more image designs that are not quite as round and that represent the Scandinavian region (trees, water, lakes, clean, etc.).

Thanks for the work!!!
10 years ago
Possibly an evergreen tree like kps used, but with sharper points. Perhaps this would allow you to have your own concept/idea and would also correspond better with the neat swoop of the "v..." in the title "via". Please let me know if I am posting too many comments or not being clear enough with my requests.

10 years ago
Hey creak, I would like to see your same design in a few different color options. I DO NOT want the blue to change at all. However, I would like to see red (the same red from entry #24) where the green is. This will represent the color of the other Scandinavia flags. I appreciate your work on all of these entries. Hopefully I have not frustrated you too much by making so many comments! Thanks!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry Sir, I can not send picture pine tree. because pine tree the concept of another designer. I can not use it.
10 years ago
That is okay. I understand. I really like the newest entry #131!!! It is REALLY NICE!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you can understand me.
10 years ago
Hey creak, could I also see entry #96 in the red and navy blue as well. Thanks!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
please check #135

thank you
10 years ago
Also, just to keep you informed, I probably will not want to combine the two designs (kps' and yours). I do like his design, but I ABSOLUTELY like your title and slogan design. I MUST HAVE that title and slogan. And I do not think that your title/slogan will look right with his tree. Thanks for all of the feedback and keeping me informed on your work. Just waiting now to see entry #96 in the red and navy blue as well.

Thanks much!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
please check #135

thank you
10 years ago
#135 looks great. Thanks!!
10 years ago
Creak, congratulations on making the top 5. I still like your design the best overall, which is why I have it ranked first. I do like some of the other concepts used, like the evergreen tree and the compass, but I still thinks your design is more of what I'm looking for. I would like to see one more thing from you.

1. Where the blue and red are in the image, I would like to just see white (or no color - transparent). Then, I would like to see the actual cross be red, and the swipe/swoop that the cross is sitting on be the dark blue. This will allow for a more abstract image, rather than a round image.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I still really like the current image, but I would simply like to see the same image as described above. Please let me know if my directions are unclear or vague.

10 years ago
Concerning the comment above (previous comment) - PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE TITLE OR SLOGAN!!! I really think the title and slogan look absolutely GREAT! I was only speaking of the IMAGE to the left of the text. I'm sure you understood that plainly, but just wanted to make sure.

Thanks a bunch!
10 years ago
Hey creak, thanks for the new entries (#171-#173). I still like #131 the best, though. Will keep it ranked first for now.

10 years ago
Hey creak, it is highly unlikely that your title and slogan design are going to be beat. I like them the best of all. With further review of the most recent entries, and considering what I think will look best with YOUR title and slogan design, I believe that the only image worth attempting to incorporate into your title/slogan design is the IMAGE from entry #178 by PotetzGraphics. The reason I think his image may work is because it has the same sort of swoops and curves that your "v..." has in your title "via."

Also, I want you to know that I really like YOUR IMAGE design really well, too. It is very good. I simply would like to see the combination of PonetzGraphics image from entry #178 with your Title and Slogan design from entries #131 and #135. I understand that PonetzGraphics will have to agree to the terms, of course. But I would like you to try that combo rather than kps' image.

Please keep me updated as soon as possible. Thanks a bunch!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you have told him? How to distribution of prizes?
10 years ago
Hey creak, go ahead and forget about the combination idea. My wife and I have decided that we like your design the best and we are going to just stick with it how it is. Everything looks very sharp and clean, just what we needed and were looking for. Just so you know, my favorite entries of yours is #131, #135, #96 and #95. My favorite is #131.

There is only one concern that I believe I still need to address, however. You will know better than me...

1. Will the slogan be easily visible on a web page? Due to the font being smaller, I am concerned that it might not be hard to read. Will I have the ability to "enlarge" the graphic/logo to make it bigger? If so, then it is fine how it is. I am assuming that I can increase the size to whatever I am using the logo for...right?

Anyways, I apologize for all of the confusion, but we are finally settled (we believe!!!) on just keeping your design just the way it is.

Thanks for all of the patience and hard work!!!! We really appreciate it!
10 years ago
Just read "Help" page concerning my question above. I will get a couple different sizes of .jpg files along with the EPS file. That will work out just fine.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Please see #188.
10 years ago
I saw #188... I like the white space in between #131 better. As long as the actual jpg file is larger than what I am currently seeing on my screen, I think it will be just fine. I don't know that much about graphics and design. Do you think that #131 will be able to be read just fine on a web page or bulletin?
10 years ago
The text in entry #96 is bigger than the text in entry #135. Could you keep everything proportionally the same (same color, same white space, etc.) but just make the text a bit larger (in the title AND slogan)?
10 years ago
If the words (both title AND slogan) in #131, #135, and #95 were as easy to read as the words (title AND slogan) in entry #96, that would be great. Can you make the words in #131 the same shape, shade, etc., but just bigger, as they are in #96? Please do the same to entries #135 and #95.

Thanks a bunch creak!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
All will look good on the website and print (business cards, letterhead, t-shirts, etc ...). I sent the final file will be larger

10 years ago
#190 is AMAZING! The text size (title AND slogan) is MUCH BETTER and MUCH MORE READABLE! Please do the same for #131, #135, and #95. I noticed the image is also larger. Can that be enlarged in the other entries as well? Also, please keep the lighter gray text and dividing line as in #190... it just looks better to me than the dark gray!

Really doing a wonderful job! Keep it up!!!

10 years ago
#96 also also needs to be larger in text. #190 appears larger than #96 now.
10 years ago
Creak, the reason that I want all four designs to be revised each time is because I am highly considering purchasing all four of them. I understand that only one design can win, and I must purchase the others from you separately. I believe, however, that I will use all four if purchased. This is why I keep asking for ALL FOUR designs (red/blue and green/blue in both layouts) to be revised.

1. I like the light gray font the best for slogan and dividing line.
2. #190 is perfect. It needs no revision
3. The other three need to be revised to perfectly match #190 (proportionally, of course) in size and slogan color.

I truly appreciate the work.

10 years ago
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