VG Gold Corp.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / VG Gold Corp. VG Gold Corp. has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 123 designs from 42 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by agreenberg Return to Contest Return to Contest New #43 New #42 New #41 Discussion agreenberg Logo Designer My theory is this: why make it complicated? No shading, only two colors, Easy to reproduce and you spend less gold doing it. Feedback appreciated.(This comment references Entry #41) 15 years ago agreenberg Logo Designer My theory is less is more. This one says "Money" any way you look at it. Easy to reproduce and spend less gold doing it. Feedback apreciated.(This comment references Entry #42) 15 years ago agreenberg Logo Designer My theory is this: why make it complicated? This is what it would look like on black T-Shirts, polo shirts--anything blaxk. No shading, only two colors, Easy to reproduce and you spend less gold doing it. Feedback appreciated.(This comment references Entry #43) 15 years ago