VetalentLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vetalent
Vetalent has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 105 designs
from 26 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Vetalent is a full-service recruiting firm with a focus on connecting U.S military veterans with rewarding careers after service
Color Preferences
please see the camouflage pattern for the T in the logo in the attached files
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I am thinking of splitting the letter T in 2 to demonstrate the T in Veteran and the T in Talent
I like the idea of some form of an American Eagle incorporated into the logo
Vetalent is an abbreviation of VeteranTalent. You can see our current logo for Veteran recruiting. We are changing the name of the business. Please do not just copy our current logo or colors or you will be excluded from the contest. We are looking for a remarkable logo that will garner lots of attention. Please do not submit your logo in a bunch of different colors. We can tell you if we like the logo, but want to see it in other colors.
I like the idea of some form of an American Eagle incorporated into the logo
Vetalent is an abbreviation of VeteranTalent. You can see our current logo for Veteran recruiting. We are changing the name of the business. Please do not just copy our current logo or colors or you will be excluded from the contest. We are looking for a remarkable logo that will garner lots of attention. Please do not submit your logo in a bunch of different colors. We can tell you if we like the logo, but want to see it in other colors.