Vertex Electronics Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vertex Electronics Inc.

Vertex Electronics Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $525 they received 281 designs from 35 different designers from around the world.








could you wrap the emblem in an elipse or fit into a pryamid or triangle. I prefer a straighter lightening bolt. Our main color is red so best with minimal black. Like the masculine lettering but maybe a little more stylized.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. Here's a variation. Let me know what you think.

Aaron B

(This comment references Entry #138)
14 years ago
like it! could you have Vertex in red and Electronics in black? I'm thinking have the V in the emblem more "up and down" or tillted to the right? Could you make the lightening in the middle a bit bolder? Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, glad you like it. I made some changes according to your feedback. Thanks


(This comment references Entry #141)
14 years ago
#142 I like the version without the shiny-sheen look since it can't be reproduced on hat or shirt stitching. Could you try to remove the red filler behind the E and next to the lightning bolt and leave the bottom of the bolt outlined in red? I think this could help "lighting" the look some. Thanks for your artistic thoughts!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, no problem. Is this what you were envisioning? Just let me know if it isn't and I'll work on it again.

Aaron B

(This comment references Entry #144)
14 years ago
yes-very much. A couple of things -could you change the tail of the x to red. I like the feel of the lettering you have now but would like to try it combined with "broken" lettering if possible. could you wrap the elipse with an outer black band to make it "pop". Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you are. Yeah I do like it with the black border, it makes it pop a lot more. Is this what you meant by the text being broken?

(This comment references Entry #173)
14 years ago
yes re "broken" text and I like the black border. Is there a way to start the left side of the elipse so it looks less like an N?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, here you are. Does this read as VE better? Thanks.

Aaron B

(This comment references Entry #182)
14 years ago
yes- thank you
14 years ago
could you makr thr font on Electronics larger - bout 1/2 size of the word Vertex? maybe a little more stylized?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's a version with the size increased and similar text effects like VERTEX. Thanks!


(This comment references Entry #184)
14 years ago
could you make the E in the emblem black- to see what it looks like?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, here are two different color variations to look at.

(This comment references Entry #186)
14 years ago
like it! And the font is great! Could you make in #186 more like the E in #185- blank out the area between the bolt and letter E?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the corrected version. Sorry it was suppose have that part not out anyways. Also, just so you know, the red color will look better in the files you receive from whichever designer you pick. Because of the compression for images on this site, warm colors tend to not look so great.


(This comment references Entry #188)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Altered the symbol and text a bit.

(This comment references Entry #247)
14 years ago
could you please remove the right side of the black elipse- so the right side will have the appearance that it is moving away from you? could you shorten the bottom of the E - so the bottom of the E pierces just a little bit of the red. So it will still look like it is in front of the red and it will look like it is "rotating to the right". thank you for all your time!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the revisions you asked for. I provided you with the two different font options. If you need any more tweaks I'd be happy to work on them during judging mode. Thanks again for being so involved and giving good direction.

Aaron Burkhart

(This comment references Entry #265)
14 years ago
We have not decided ranked 1,2,3 but know you are going to rank you in the top 3. We would like to speak to you after the contest ends regarding purchasing your logos? thank you very much for all your efforts!
14 years ago
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