I like that our slogan is included (Project Management Consulting, Staffing, and Training). The V and S in VeriScope should be capitalized. Also, I'm not really a fan of the graphic/symbol.
In a sea of thousands of consulting/staffing firms, we want people to know that we specialize in project management, and more specifically - consulting, staffing, and training. We want our name to be synonymous with this specialized offering.
I would suggest that the next submissions follow along the path of this entry, but maybe try utilizing 3 lines, more specifically:
VeriScope, Inc (with our without Inc.) Project Management Consulting, Staffing, and Training
Keep the great logos coming and don't be afraid to use other color options. Thank you.
In addition to my feedback above (June 9th, 8:27am) I like the graphic/symbol on the left of my company names as opposed to being on the top of the company name.
#53 is most interesting to me of your entries... I would like to see the "eri" and "cope" in small caps (VeriScope) as opposed to "VERISCOPE" in all large caps.
#53 - I am undecided about the graphic/symbol... The "V" is looking like a claw and the "S" is looking like a snake. Was wondering if you could provide additional renderings of graphics/symbols. Thanks!
#54 looks better, thank you. Same feedback regarding the symbo - the "V" is looking like a claw and the "S" is looking like a snake. Was wondering if you could provide additional renderings of graphics/symbols. Thanks!
#54 - same feedback about capitalization - I would like to see the "eri" and "cope" in small caps (VeriScope) as opposed to "VERISCOPE" in all large caps. Thanks!
Thank you. For all entries, can you please change "Consulting, Staffing, and Training" to "Consulting, Staffing, & Training" or with dot points between the words without punctuation, like Consulting * Staffing * Training.
#97 - this is my favorite logo that you have submitted. Thank you. I would like to see additional color choices in addition to the existing yellow... Maybe red and another version with blue.