Creactivomx, please submit some samples and variations using the same font style as used for the Ripoff Report logo found here:
This website are blocked please tell me another direction to check the logo or if sample you submitted me last Saturday are working good
Juan give it a try with VERIFIED in all black and one in all red. And use the gold that you used in entry #71. Put Businesses you can trust on top in gold, and the ripoff report on bottom like you have in entry # 69
Juan you're doing really good with these- #82 is the favorite right now.
Do me a favor and use that ripoff report logo still, but do some different variations. I know you took my advice and direction and just made a bunch of variations of that exactly, but get creative now with that direction and try different styles. Try a variation with the red gold and black like your #54.
You're on to something with # 113! Try this: Leave VERIFIED at the top, change the bottom to just "Businesses Trust" from left to right, make the angel the whole background of that inside circle, and put the Ripoff Report logo across the middle so that it can be larger & scrap the check mark.
We like the gold the best, try different color variations though using that gold, red and black.
Try one other thing too- take #70, put the real ROR logo on top.
Try with #82, switching the ROR logo and the tag line top and bottom.
Excuse me, designer ranked as 5 "DesireeByrd" request me that remove my entry ranked as 3rd with argue that it was her idea put check mark as V, I did not copy her ideas, I just do what you requested, please explain to me what I do accord do not offend anybody
Juan- You're on a really good path here! Try a few more please!
Take # 125, try the seal in all gold, instead of 2 toned. Make the angel outline black, stretch the ripoff report logo all the way across instead of just that inner circle,
Verified and Businesses Trust should all be the same size font for symmetry.
Ah I see... try the angel in # 131 in gold too- maybe like an engraved look? See what you can do to make it still visible but not interfering with the ripoff logo