In your Entry #138 there is a core of an idea, probably the strongest we have had so far from all the designers. I like the concept of a salesman that enters something (our training) and become winning (from black to red). So the idea we like. What we don't like (and that's why we discarded it at first is):
1) the graphic symbol of the man is too "light" we want something stronger (it's ok for a beauty center, but we want to be solid 2) the font doesn't communicate the strengh I want: I need a thoughter font (you can see examples in the other logos I have selected so far) 3) I want the payoff to be treated better possibly at full lenght under the brand name.
So I ask you to work following these directions. Also, I give you another hint that I just thought of: think of a "system", a "machine" a "black box" because this is what "Venditore Vincente" is: a system to sell better and more easily.
We selected your Entry #163 because we see you are trying to convey the idea of the"evoluzion" of the salesman. Moreover you tried different color combination from the original "black+red". However, what we have here is simply a salesman silhouette with a background, it probably says "salesman" but no "winning" or "evolution". We ask you to think in that direction.