Ciao Luca ti mando feedback in italiano. Mi piace l'essenzialita' del simbolo perche' e' un "V" ma puo' anche esser visto come l'omino che alza le braccia, comunque incuriosisce. La scelta del font invece non mi convince, non vedo abbastanza "solidita' e forza' come sarebbe con un font heavy. Comunque si vede che sei bravo e ti invito anche a: - valutare un altro simbolo che non sia la V - sperimentare anche con un simbolo con colore differente dal rosso - sperimentare con la scritta rossa e nera
Thank you for the new proposal. However, it doesn't work. The attempt to merge the "V" with the suitcase doesn't work. Maybe simply the suitcase doesn't work. Moreover the black-red thing is giving me nausea! I asked 1-2 proposal with this color combination and OTHERS with different colors. I am going to send every contestant a revised brief so hopefully I will see something that gets to the next level because so far I am getting just elaborations of my ideas and nothing from the designer creativity.
The final version of the suitcase is not bad, but I am sick of red and black and maybe the suitcase doesn't work per se. But you show you're putting your brain in this and I am sending you a revised brief in the next hour. Keep on.
The symbol you proposed means nothing for us. And moreover it makes the logo vertical and we ask for an horizontal logo. Try working on an idea of "winning" or "evolving" salesman.