Thank you for your proposal. I like the general idea, but every single element needs to be edited. The font doesn't convey the "strengh and solidity" I am looking for. I appreciate the "V" as a superhero shield but it's not very attractive. And I don't like the payoff aligned to the right.
That is ok. I like it and the font works now. Since you are good with 3D symbols I ask you to think about some other symbols, not just the V. (that was MY symbol idea, but I am not a designer).
So far, your entry #40 is the only one we could use. However, it's nothing breathtaking it's just a basic - but at least well done - elaboration of our concept.
We are waiting for something DIFFERENT from designers (I will contact all the contestans soon) and so I am waiting from you something different even with colors (only thing that remains is the "strong, solid, no frill" meaning).
However, in the meantime I ask you a few variations of #40: different font for payoff (I don't like how Futura/AvantGarde-like look) and for the name (bolder).
The new version of the symbol isn't working with that balls. I understand you're trying to make it a person but it doesn't work. I need to send you a symbol we developed that I'd like to see in 3D in the way you know how and next to the name of the company. Basically the layout is the new one (I like the new font for the payoff) but with the 3D (slightly slanted) rendering of the symbol I am sending you. If you give me your email I can send you this. I choose to ask you because I like the way you manage the 3D and your care in choosing and kerning fonts.
The new version of the symbol isn't working with that balls. I understand you're trying to make it a person but it doesn't work. I need to send you a symbol we developed that I'd like to see in 3D in the way you know how and next to the name of the company. Basically the layout is the new one (I like the new font for the payoff) but with the 3D (slightly slanted) rendering of the symbol I am sending you. If you give me your email I can send you this. I choose to ask you because I like the way you manage the 3D and your care in choosing and kerning fonts.
Thats fine, as i say, i will look at alternatives for you from now. As for the image, i think in the interest of fairness to fellow designers, that you should post the image available for all to use. I have no problem in doing what you ask, i just would rather avoid any problems that a 'personal arrangement' may cause. Thanks
Thank you for the job. I think it's too slanted and we miss the effect too much. I ask you, if possible to slant it a little less making it more facing the viewer (and maybe add just some drop shadow). In any case this is what I had in mind wth my first logo. This doesn't solve my research for a logo, but at least gives me my first idea well done.
Ray, your Entry #174 (the star) is the first idea that is totally new and doesn't come from us. While I feel the overall logo is too complex as it is and doesn't work, I ask you to work on this idea of the star (it can be "reaching for the stars" or "becoming a star") or the "award" concept as you tried. Don't worry about the "V", feel free to explore this "star" thing. Also, think about the "evolution" idea (from mediocre salesman to winning salesman" that some other have expressed but not nailed so far.
Thanks for great feedback :) I will trying several new designs in the hope that you would maybe like certain elements, glad to see the star caught your attention. I will explore further avenues now and will upload again soon.
I see you're getting to something with the #175 "evolution" idea. It could be enhanced with color or with a star, but I leave you free to work and THINK. We know you can do a professional work. We ask you to take your time to think.
You are working on our indication and this is priceless. In this last idea we don't like the man graphic because it's not strong and solid. But we are seeing you're working and thinking. By the way, it's Sunday you can take sleep on it and start again tomorrow :-)
Thank you, but its only tea time in UK. I understand what you say about the little guy not being bold enough etc.. I will leave it a little bit now, as we are having a Sunday dinner with family at a local inn soon.
We were thinking about your simple V logo and about the "stars". We thought that maybe combining the two could work. So I made a simple layout with your logo and added some stars.
It's in the brief area as vv_stars.jpg file. It's for you to see and download then I can delete it.
I ask you to consider this option and enhance it.
As I made it it's getting too vertical and I am not sure about how to move the stars. But the synthesis is here: the "V" for "Venditore Vincente" is getting or making some stars that mean growing and getting better.
Also, I noticed this version of the logo ha still the old font for the payoff, then you have changed it on the one we like more. Food for your thought.
Preferred syle is #148 (either grey or blac) for payoff. The version of the stars you made downplays them too much: they aren't an important element of the logo anymore. I ask you to think how to make them more relevant without making the logo too tall.
On entry #237, i have kept the stars, actually making 5 stars(for excellence) and have changed the perspective of them. Instead of adding to the height of the design, i have 'swooshed' the stars across the V :)
Ray, never mind. I don't ask you to but stars everywhere near the V. I ask you to make a "salesman reaching for the stars" logo with the V that you already designed. If you don't feel it, it's ok, don't waste time (yours and mine) doing something that clearly you don't feel.
For your convenience, here again the NEW brief:
FOLLOW THIS "new" BRIEF ! (it's an update and SIMPLIFICATION of the standard brief) ----------------------------
If You joined the contest after I sent this brief update, here is some info you MUST READ.
"Venditore Vincente" is the brand of a new training company selling training for sales people. The meaning is " Winning Sales person".
The payoff says "Il primo sistema di vendita in Italia" meaning "The first sales system in Italy".
These are ideas you can work with. We aren't expecting the logo communicates ALL these ideas. Any can work.
- This is a solid system that works - No frill, very practical like you salesman - Strong and effective - This makes you a Winning Sales Person - Evoluiton of a salesman (from mediocre to winning)
So the KEYWORDS you can work on are:
- System - Evolution - Winning Sales - Reaching for the Stars
- Horizontal logo
- Any color you think can work for this logo will be considered.
As you see the new brief is leaves you much more free to express your creativity.
HOWEVER, if your creativity will not be in brief, communicating what we want to communicate it will be ranked as "not interesting".
In short, I ask you to put your mind and find the right synthesis of symbols, colors and fonts that communicate the above things. We will prize creativity AND professionalism (right font, kerning, taste and eye for legibility).
Start now and let's see who is the Winning Designer!
Ray, we don't like the "little ghost" symbol (the one you see among the logos is only to signal we like something different from the "V" but will never make it). And I feel I didn't communicate well the "stars" idea with you, or it doesn't work for you. It was about reaching for the stars, just a single star doesn't say anything to me.
That's fine, i was just trying more options. I will continue to try to better my designs, to fit with your above brief too, and will upload again later :) Thanks for all of the feedback and comments, very much appreciated :)
#617 #619 #620 - I just uploaded these with some of the colors you request. I have also added very slight gradients to the letter V, to add to the '3D feel', thank you Marco for your consideration,