Hi Nancy. I ranked your logo #1 to reward your creativity and your effort to produce a bit of variety. I'd like you to focus on the concept of "strong" with the font and to try some different colors for the logo. Blue is ok but i still think that a little bit of red somewhere can communicate "passion" or yellow maybe that can express "change". Blue is very "money" and it's ok...but maybe only blue it's too "institutional".I'm sure you can produce other interesting variations and new models. Since then,i think your logo will keep his #1 position. ;)
Hi Nancy. I ranked your logo #1 to reward your creativity and your effort to produce a bit of variety. I'd like you to focus on the concept of "strong" with the font and to try some different colors for the logo. Blue is ok but i still think that a little bit of red somewhere can communicate "passion" or yellow maybe that can express "change". Blue is very "money" and it's ok...but maybe only blue it's too "institutional".I'm sure you can produce other interesting variations and new models. Since then,i think your logo will keep his #1 position. ;)
Nancy (previous comments wee from Frank, this is Marco) I am happy you submitted your design. Frankly I don't see the story in your logo, but I agree with Frank that gave you the preference because we want something different from the "V". You have beautiful designs in your portfotlio, honestly I cannot point out one that could work. Just they show you are a tremendous designer. And you got what we are looking for: the symbol that has something, hints a story (about winning salespeople). Keep on.
In all truth, I mostly entered your contest to help you get a variety of designs coming in.There are designers who are far better at these kinds of contests... And they will enter and impress you! I just hoped to help jolt the contest a little.
I will continue to watch your contest and enter again later. I can't wait to see how thing develop for you! You are definitely poised for success.