Venditore VincenteLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Venditore Vincente

Venditore Vincente has selected their winning logo design.

For $700 they received 748 designs from 89 different designers from around the world.




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Thank you for ypur proposals.
We may like the visual concept of the hands up salesman as a V, but the tie make everithing too formal. As already said, the logo must be developed in orizontal form as #21 and #23, but we prefer the font you used in @25 an #24. Maybe you can make it a bit heavier and "stronger" to better fit our meanings.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I want to explain the icon (#21 #23 #24 #25) that i am offering as a solution for your logo.
It has 3 dimensions.
First and most obvious the icon portrays a WINNING SALESMAN. The salesman has its arms up in the air, he is happy, full of confidence and a true winner. He has a tie on his neck.
Second, the figurine looks like POWERFUL SUPERHERO ready to jump into action.
And third, without the circle and the tie the icon shows THE LETTER "V".
I hope you like my idea.
Please feel free to give me suggestions and guidance.
Thank you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for being interested in my concept.
In design #26 and #27 i am making the changes you suggested.
About the font, i can make it stronger but the rules of this site are strict which means i can't show you bigger photo than 350X280px, and since the font is very wide i need bigger dimensions (than allowed).
Waiting for further instructions.
14 years ago
I like your approach, you tried to go past the simple "graphic" sign and convey meaning. It's a bit too literal for me, but it has value so I am planning to keep it. I am discarding the version without the tie because it doesn't work well enough. Maybe the image being red, other that very similar to the Dainese logo is a bit too much "in your face". What if you make a white winning salesman into a red dot, shield or other shape? Just an idea.
14 years ago
I appreciate your effort to work on feedbacks.

entries #26 and #27 start to work.

As i suggested you, we'd prefer a heavier font, to make everything a bit "stronger".
14 years ago
Another note. While I don't like the icon without the "tie" I like the font you have used (Eurostile like) so I'd like to see the icon with tie + that lettering.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Double "V", one into another.
The first V is shaped by the salesman by positioning the hands up.
The second V is (negative) the space between the man and the 2 triangles.

(This comment references Entry #58)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
more obvious double V...
(This comment references Entry #59)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I was analyzing the icon of #59. It truly resembles a Super Hero Emblem.
14 years ago
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