Thank you for ypur proposals. We may like the visual concept of the hands up salesman as a V, but the tie make everithing too formal. As already said, the logo must be developed in orizontal form as #21 and #23, but we prefer the font you used in @25 an #24. Maybe you can make it a bit heavier and "stronger" to better fit our meanings.
Hi, I want to explain the icon (#21 #23 #24 #25) that i am offering as a solution for your logo. It has 3 dimensions. First and most obvious the icon portrays a WINNING SALESMAN. The salesman has its arms up in the air, he is happy, full of confidence and a true winner. He has a tie on his neck. Second, the figurine looks like POWERFUL SUPERHERO ready to jump into action. And third, without the circle and the tie the icon shows THE LETTER "V". I hope you like my idea. Please feel free to give me suggestions and guidance. Thank you.
Hi, Thank you for being interested in my concept. In design #26 and #27 i am making the changes you suggested. About the font, i can make it stronger but the rules of this site are strict which means i can't show you bigger photo than 350X280px, and since the font is very wide i need bigger dimensions (than allowed). Waiting for further instructions.
I like your approach, you tried to go past the simple "graphic" sign and convey meaning. It's a bit too literal for me, but it has value so I am planning to keep it. I am discarding the version without the tie because it doesn't work well enough. Maybe the image being red, other that very similar to the Dainese logo is a bit too much "in your face". What if you make a white winning salesman into a red dot, shield or other shape? Just an idea.
Another note. While I don't like the icon without the "tie" I like the font you have used (Eurostile like) so I'd like to see the icon with tie + that lettering.
Double "V", one into another. The first V is shaped by the salesman by positioning the hands up. The second V is (negative) the space between the man and the 2 triangles.