# 18 I like it but could you also try something. The ideal aerodynamic position is a little more parallel to the ground so if you could try to put the cyclist more flat without altering the idea. Also I like the idea of the arm in #17 so if you could put the harm a liitle more visible in # 18 (but less than in 17), a little bit more vertical and without the return of the hand ? Thank you very much And as said before try different back colors (black or blue as described before). Thanks again
Yes :-) # 23 seems good to me for the design (but feel free to propose me some change if you want). For the color I prefer # 17 or 18 (seems more powerful and clear to me)
Could you try the color black or blue in the back ? The blue I show in the precedent links on the main comments. Thanks for your work.
I saw you did a little bit in the same idea for "On the rivet". Try #23 with the same black back and red cyclist If you could also try with a blue back like #30. Thank you very much. Joël.
Could you explain me the . on the top of the V ? Also the velofitting is perhaps not enough visible (more contrast with the cyclist a little bit less visible ?) Thank you. Joël.
Ok thanks. One more demand and I think that after I'll have all the keys to choose. Could you try : The #84 with the white background and color of #18 The #84 with the white backgroung and color of #23
Ok, I like that. Now I need some friends advices regarding the letters. I don't know if we could find something where we see better the letters (for me it's like they are too closefrom each other. I think on the #84 there is some little space between them).
#84 could you just add the little reflect you did on the other logos on the top of the helmet ? #88 could you keep the design but with the letter of #114 (velo in red and fitting in white) Thank you very much. Joël.