VapeXhaleLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / VapeXhale

VapeXhale has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 200 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.






















































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


#22 is looking really close to the mark. I'm on my iPhone so I will re rank things shortly but wanted to give u feedback. Can we try poking out the monkeys head a little higher so that we can see a sly smile for his expression? Can you also show me how it might look like with two circular dots for his eyes and another where the eyes are shaped like vertical ovals but with one being 50% larger than the other?

#19 can u expirement with usig the letter X as the monkeys nose or mouth? I thought that might be a clever way to incorporate the monkeys expression into the logo. If u can also expirament with the eyes as suggested above and the sly smile, we r getting very close. Kudos!
14 years ago
Sorry my man, didn't know I was asking someone to copy you design... Chalk it up to inexperience, won't happen again.

Hope to see some of your updates soon!

I do like you #21 has that 3d feel to it. You think you can add that to the monkey #22 but with the different eyes and sly smile?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No worries, it happens from time to time. I will be making some revises soon. I actually own a print shop and try to squeeze some of these contests in my 50+hrs a week. So I will do my best to get some revises up.
14 years ago
#52 and 50 are REALLY close, I will get feedback from my partners

#51 is closer to what I was asking for. What do you think about keeping "vapeXhale' letters all spaced evenly with the monkey's head a little larger and just behind the letters as opposed to moving the letters outside of its head?

GREAT JOB - its bedtime in Shanghai for me, curious to see what you come up with

#52 looks SO cool
14 years ago
so hard to decide between #53 and #54 - we are getting so close. I'll get some feedback from my investors, put personally, I am DIGGING it. Thank you so much!
14 years ago
can you give #22 the same eyes as #49 ?

for # 52 and #53 - those are my favorite design but my investors are worried that people might think its a human instead of a monkey - anyway you can "monkey it up" maybe a curly tail that rises out of the back?
14 years ago
you think you could play around and add something like a cloud, or wind, or something that shows exhaling? doesn't need to be from the monkey per se, just somewhere in the logo?
14 years ago
can you try doing the same thing you did on #21 to #52, #53 and #22?

Can I also see #53 with just silver instead of brown?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I will have those revises for you on Monday. I am away from my office on the weekends but that will be the first thing on my lists to do Monday morning.
14 years ago
Graphic Nature - new idea, sorry for all the changes, just seeing all these designs give me more and more ideas so please be patient with me :)

Can you do #52 with the mouth similar to #8 (if this will get you in trouble, never mind), kinda like blowing out air out of the side of his mouth? "exhaling" if you will? It doesn't have to be overtly in your face, but just a subtle exhale.
14 years ago
I just thought of something that might be super cool. Can you make the letter X look like a fan? and then maybe move the monkey head a little towards the left so he is exhaling downwards into the X? On the website, we can use a flash version where the X can rotate, but obviously, the static version will just look like an X with the monkey blowing down on it. DOes that make sense? I just need to decide which monkey style of yours I like.

I really like the texture that #21 has, is it easy to add that #52?
14 years ago
Thank you very much for your updates! #72 is very good but I think the hand placement is a bit off. Instead of having the monkey inhaling thru his nose, can you have him exhaling thru his mouth downwards at the letter "X" and using #52 monkey head? I like how the monkey is holding up the logo (with the rectangular box around it) in #52 but with the head placement of #72.

Thanks again for all the hard work it is very much appreciated. Just a few more days to go, I am very excited!
14 years ago
#76 is GREAT! could you do the exact same thing but instead of the triangular eyes, can we use the two oval eyes like in #49 - Just want to see which eyes look better.
14 years ago
also, #70, do you think you can make the flame look more like steam?

sorry for another update but on #76, can you put "inhale your therapy" near the top of the box as opposed to the bottom and at the bottom just put the words "your relief" where "inhale your therapy" is currently at?

I'd like the slogan to read "inhale your therapy, vapeXhale your relief"
14 years ago
Grpahic, we are closing in #76, can you make the monkey look a little more "monkey-ish?" he looks a bit too futuristic at the moment.
14 years ago
One further thing--We really like the tension and balance of #22. Can you try adding some background texture as an experiment?
1. With varying dot sizes of different shades of steel (from light to medium), whatever you think works for this concept. This will serve as the vapor in this image.
2. A separate one with sort of a 'japanese sunrise' (see google images) in the background? Again, in steel with alternating contrasts. This only needs to extend as a half circle above the monkey to the edge of the box.

You can experiment with colors if you really think something works well.
Many thanks and keep up the great work!
14 years ago
Hi Graphic Nature- I really dig the sunrise! It looks fantastic on screen, but I'm a little worried about how the blended colors will print. Is there a way to simplify this? Also, we're interested in ways to simplify the 3D of the front metal logo--from a printing perspective--while keeping the same feel.

Being that we really like your style, can you try suggestion #1, above? Many thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey there,

The admins removed my designs 110 and 114 for some odd reason. If you really liked those please contact them and let them know you requested for me to add those rising sun backgrounds to the images. I think its funny they dont take the time to read comments requested by the CH but automatically remove them
14 years ago
Will do. I liked them too!
14 years ago
what was the reason the mods removed those?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The guy is basically being rude. Supposedly they were oversized, but as a designer knowing the rising sun is usually a design that runs out to the edges to give it that full effect otherwise it will look like a odd shaped square of lines. I even shrank one down knowing that I might have an issue and then he goes as far as threatning to remove my other designs cause they are too big. I personally think the more you can see the better rather then a small one to squint your eyes. I even told him you requested a rising sun from me and they tend to run out. In my opinion its very disrespectful to threat with removal of submissions when they clearly are decent size and some of which was requested.

Odds are I been designing longer then this guy and been in the printing industry for over 10years and have worked with playboy,metal mulisha,SRH, quicksilver, and no fear. So from those experiences I opened up my own printshop and design clothing lines,apparel,MMA gear, websites,logos,off set printing, vehicle wraps among other things. I do this for a living not some kid in some other country with illustrator. So until he can get on my level I tend to brush it off and laugh.

But if you would like to see more rising sun submissions or anything let me know. You are the customer and what you want is what you get even if it means a few hurdles.

"your entries were removed because they did not stick to the submission rules which you are aware of, your logos are way oversized, don't you agree ? fix that in all of your other over sized entries so i don't have to remove them all for same reason.

its an old trick, make it look like its neatly centered in a square / box with good amount of white space around them and have them inside that frame , easy right ? "
14 years ago
The good news is removed the removal :)

Could you put a king's crown on #139? Maybe try a few different kinds of crowns and I think it would probably look cooler with the crown tilted than just straight on.

Thanks for all the submissions!
14 years ago
sorry to bother you again but with just a few hours left, I wanted to try and reach out to you one last time about putting the crown on the monkeys. We are leaning very strongly towards #139 or #141 and I think the crown might put the finishing touches on those logos
14 years ago
Hi Graphic Nature-
Looks fantastic! All three of us really like this. What are your thoughts on making the crown look slightly more 3D in the non-color version? Perhaps a line through it as you've done with the body of the monkey?

These are great!

14 years ago
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