VanEdge CapitalLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / VanEdge Capital

VanEdge Capital has selected their winning logo design.

For $600 they received 450 designs from 57 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
Think games......

(This comment references Entry #132)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Think game and pixel...........edgy font gives it techy look

(This comment references Entry #133)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Human figure.....also vedio game, computer or internet, media signals.......

(This comment references Entry #134)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
icon can be separated easily....also it covers all the field you or your clients deal in...

(This comment references Entry #135)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
colour variation

(This comment references Entry #136)
16 years ago
#132 - the dice were very very amusing, but not the right message for a venture fund - too many investors rolling the dice already...
16 years ago
#134 & #136 - really like the play on the "V" and mobile/wi-fi signal indicator. Spot on for the some the areas we will invest in. And nice, clean execution. This one is growing on me... thanks.
16 years ago
#133 - interesting design, but not right for us. Pixels are almost passe (I say that as a guy who's been in CG for decades) now that resolutions make the individual pixel virtually invisible, Kind of cool, old school reference, but not right for a fund that invests in the future.
16 years ago
would encourage you to keep developing the concepts in #134. It is a strong, simple, clean design that is growing on all of us. We particularly like the emphasis on the word with a subtle and light add'l visual play. Biggest issue with this one is that it says mobile/wi-fi, which is PART of what we'll invest in, but only part. So, I've ruled out dice and pixels, but would be very open to other ideas - in other words, similar treatment to #134, but without limited specifically to mobile/wifi
16 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry for the delay.
signals with vedio game control buttons....

(This comment references Entry #183)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
colour variation

(This comment references Entry #184)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Tringlular button instead of circular as down button is also amking V.

(This comment references Entry #185)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Lil more details to the game button

(This comment references Entry #187)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
This is with On/Off button which will be aplicable to anything u want to swith on/off.

(This comment references Entry #190)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
The on/off button is composed with G and with the wifi signals

(This comment references Entry #192)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
The power button is resembling G with the signals

(This comment references Entry #193)
16 years ago
Thanks for the quick turnaround of variations Sandhya - of all of these, I like #193 the best - very clever and simple integration of the graphic device with the letters, really works as both the "G" and the on/off button.
16 years ago
with my comment on #193, don't know if any more is useful - I like #193 so much more than #182, #184, #195, #186, #187 because it is a) a more attractive graphic in the abstract, b) a more clever integration of text and graphic, and c) cleaner and less busy
16 years ago
#188 - very cool, and I get that it is meant to be humorous, but probably too old-school (joy stick) for a forward-looking fund.
16 years ago
#190 - nice, but #193 completely overshadows it...
16 years ago
Logo Designer
two more designs on word mark....shows the upward finance graph.

(This comment references Entry #274)
16 years ago
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