Prefer #73 to #74 because the letters are all same height but would prefer that the cow catcher (triangle in front of V) be red like it is in your other submissions. The font used for the letters seems too thick. Can you try one that is thinner and possibly make the entire design a bit taller? We also like the 'I' dotted. Can you fade the line over the top of the letters as it goes from left to right? Both the thinner font and the fading line would lessen the amount of black in the design and make it lighter.
Thanks. One other suggestion. Just realized why the name is harder to read than some others. You used all capital letters. If you make them all lower case but the starting letters I think that will help too.
Liking it better all the time. Can you make the "V" thinner? Some people have said they don't notice it as a letter and the company name looks like 'alue-Train'. :-) Also, we liked it better when the red smoke ended close to the red dash.
We would like to choose your #73 as the winner if you can make 2 changes to it. Make the front 'cow catcher' red and delete the motto. We are changing our motto anyway and don't want it part of the logo.
We are ready to choose your #73 (#1 rank by us) as the winner if you can make 2 changes - maybe 3. 1. Delete the motto. We are changing it anyway and think we prefer it separate from the logo 2. Make the cow catcher red 3. Try making the V a little thinner so it looks more like a V. Some friends have told us that in a quick look it looks like it says 'alue-Train', they didn't recognize the V as a V.
You might do #1 and 2 and then send a 2nd copy with the thinner V so we can compare them.
It looks like you didn't get our previous message about this.
Ah, sorry, I see that you did make changes 1 and 2. We didn't notice it, sorry! Can you please try making the V thinner? Then we can pick from those two.
Hello, thank ypu very much for choosing my design! II've uploaded final files (EPS and JPG). Please, let me know if you would need further file formats. Regards!