Like the oval shape but can you change the tipe of Font and maybe play with something that looks like elegant flower, also please could you but the slogan inside? Thank you :)
Thank you so much for your quick changes, can you play with entry#11 and make the shape to a circule and stead of black fond inside de circule could you make it White and the letters in black?
I just want to see this beacause of my print cards, all black I think will not look goos in cards. Sorry to be this picky and thankyou again.
Please I will close in 2 hours the contest please send me the entry#25 just with the slogan a Little bit bigger please just that it can be read and the A of ambiental in mayúscula please, you will be my winner ;)
This is not the standard 'G' of this font #41, but I made it up just for your consideration. Because it allows the tagline a bit bigger than the previous 'G' letter.