#1 Really like the overall feel of this design. The for sale sign template was a killer idea. I also really like the weathered/rough kind of feel. In the background there is some kind of grayish watermark, or maybe it is just part of the overall image background, I can't make it out. We wanted to know if you could make the watermark an more actual surfer, either standing on the beach with board in hand, or in action slashing a wave? Does that make sense? Thanks -brooke
Thank you for insight on the design. I was going for more of a rough feel as if the sign fell over and its been walked on and then put back up. The yellow is like a spray tag someone did on the corner of it. I can easily add a surfer going through the design no problem.
Wow, 82 is awesome. Great look. Was wondering if there is any way to tweak it just a hair, the surfboard on the right side of the surfer seems to almost make the L section come across more as a Z. Maybe make the board a little smaller, of possibly standing vertically next to the surfer? Thanks.