#16 - Creative idea but a bit too busy mark and a the lack of color. Overall impression to us is logo for a security software company. Needs to be friendlier and more inviting.
#16 - Can you add more color and move the icon (with more color) to the left and make the logo more horizontal? We are missed on our thoughts for this logo. It is different than others which is good.
Hi g-ranx, Thanks for those last couple of entries. I like #56 and #57 but I need to with the rest of the team before giving feedback.
One thing though is that we want the name "Vaasnet" to appear in a single color. We do not want the division of vaas and net caused when two different colors are used.
#94 - We like what you have done here with the font and also the three-dimensional icon turned toward the user. But the people in the icon do not match our company purpose. Can you change what is inside the box?
#163. That looks very nice. However, the other logos from other designers are also so good. I know we suggested the power button idea, but now we realize that it isn't as good as we were thinking previously.