Record Setting Safety OR Working Safely Better than Ever
What We Do
Aurora Energy is a power plant that provides district heat and electricity for Fairbanks, Alaska.
On August 8, 2016 (8.8.2016), the employees at Aurora Energy broke the company's No Loss Time Injury safety record. The company is now at 572+ days without a loss time injury.
Color Preferences
Black & White, safety yellow or orange, or accent colors from the Aurora Energy logo (see attached).
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This logo will be used for hard hat stickers for our employees to wear loud and proud. It will also likely be embroidered on an item of clothing and printed on signs.
I would like to incorporate:
No Loss Time Injuries
Record Setting Safety or Working Safely Better than Ever as a slogan.
Incorporate the Aurora Energy Logo
8.8.2016 or August 8, 2016
Please look at the examples of other safety milestone themes. I want something out of the box. I really like the Aiming for Zero design!