The concept is excellent, but the client doesn't like the idea of a black droplet because it denotes oil. Please play with a green and blue palette and refine the design further. Also, the client would like to have the entire logo in one line as the stacked version will be difficult to fit on presentations, etc. The cleaner the better. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or would like any feedback.
thanks for your information, I realized about the black dropplet, but I just wait for your opinion. I wiil still working in the idea, I like the idea to, but I didnt like the black dropplet. Thanks again for your information It help me a lot.
The client really likes the color scheme on #45 but would love to see it a bit more refined with some shadows or movement of some sort. Perhaps you could play with the idea of a droplet and a globe? They are really trying to hit home the concept of a global marketplace. Think big brands like Shell gas, Encana, Exxon, etc. We need this logo to be on par with that kind of polish. Thank you!
wao, thanks so much for like my idea. I sorry because I havent had enoght time to work in this project. But if you let me stay in the top 5 I will work hard in this idea. I know it will be a good design. Thanks again