Entry # 25: Can we change the coloring. Not sure about the yellow and red. Kind of reminds us of McDonalds :) Also, is there anyway to extend the line at the bottom of the star to create an underline beneath the words "Manufacturing Technology"? Thanks, Sarah
Thank you for the updated artwork. We really like it. I know I said no green, but could we see what it would look like with some ARMY branding incoporated. The Army SBIR tried to do it... https://www.armysbir.army.mil/.
Thanks for the updates. We are really leaning towards your logo.
I was able to find color codes for the gov't agencies. The Army green is Hex #4b5320. Army gold is RGB = 255, 213, 48. RDECOM (ManTech) gold RGB = 188, 174, 122. RDECOM (ManTech) red RGB = 139, 0, 29.
I'm really trying to visualize how the colors will look the best together. Here are some options that I'm thinking... 1. Gold star (not sure which gold will look better), black circle, green US Army, red MAN, black TECH. Keep the mantech shading effects. Same gear. 2. Same as above, except make all of MANTECH red with the shading effects. 3. Same as above but with darker gear.
Also, can we see what it would look like to keep mantech in all caps but make the M and the T a little larger.
updated #143, #146 and #150 : gold star, black circle, green US ARMY, red Man (MAN) and black Tech (TECH) #144, #147 and #151 : same as above but with a darker gear #145, #148 and #152 : gold star, black circle, green US ARMY, red ManTech (MANTECH) and darker gear
You are our #1 designer and we would like to go with your design, however we would like to fine tune the coloring and the spacing first.
Starting with #147 - (1) Lets change the red text "MAN" to the RDECOM burgundy color (RGB = 139, 0, 29). The fading effect is fine, just switch the red to burgundy. (2) Lets also use this color for the star and circle. Similar to #120. (3) The top tip of the star looks like it might be tilting to the right. Is that an illusion? Maybe we can pull the point to the left? (4) Can we see it again one with MANTECH all the same size and another with the M and T enlarged? I think we like it better all the same size, but the spacing between the star and the H seems a little crowded. (5) the circle has a little gap on the bottom right point of the star.
updated #166 : MANTECH with the M and T enlarged. updated #167 : with MANTECH all the same size. updated #169 : the top tip of the star not tilted, but the typo still italic. updated #168 : the top tip of the star not tilted, and also the typo not italic.
Thanks for the updates. Here is the feedback I have received...
1. Make US Army all black 2. Add periods in US Army, to read "U.S. ARMY" 3. Use the all caps same size MANTECH 4. Use the italic text and the straight star 5. Try to make the spacing between the upper left point of the star and the H the same amount of space as beween the lower left point of the start and the H. (on #169 it's not even, but on #167 it is. 6. Match up the end of the Y on ARMY with the end of the T on TECH. 7. Try one with a black gear and black TECH 8. Try one with a black gear and gray shaded TECH like what you have been using. 9. Also do one with the gear and TECH just the way it is. 10. We like the star and the circle as the burgundy like you did in the most recent submissions.
When all is set and done I think it will look a lot like #120, but with burgundy instead of red. Let me know ifyou have any questions.
updated : #170 : 1. US ARMY in all black and periods added. Do we need the dot as well, to be written as "U.S. ARMY" ? 2. MANTECH in all caps and same size. 3. All text in italic and straight star. 4. Spacing between the upper left point of the star and the H now in the same amount of space as between the lower left point of the start and the H. 5. The end of the Y on ARMY matched up with the end of the T on TECH. #171 : with a black gear and black TECH. #172 : with a black gear and gray shaded TECH like what I have been using.
THank you! We really appreciate all your hard work. What format will you be submitting the logo in? Is there anyway we could get a version that is transparent?
Thank you so much for choosing my design as the winner. I will send the final files in .EPS and .PNG format. For the transparent version, you'll have it after you approved the final files.