Hi there. Can you show me a version of #96 without the peel on the upper left corner? Also, once that is done, one that introduces another color? Not sure if possible, but also one where the emphasis is on the "events" and not "upcoming" too! Thanks!
Can we see #102 with the peel on the events shading? Also, can you remove the slash in #114 and show me a version with green and blue instead? Thank you!
Is there any way to do #102 without the .com in the green box? Maybe the .com and the Find Out What's Going On at the same level with just the events in the box? Maybe with an upper case E as well. Thanks!
Athy, can I see #109 with the .com on the bottom and a little bigger? Also, #121 with an upper case E on events? Finally a capital U and E on #114 without the white slash in there (just have the colors butt up on eachother or make it a thinner white slash). Decision time soon - we will be re-ranking everything after seeing final requests. You could dramatically go up in rank with these final requests. Thank you!
Athy, can you reverse the colors on #188 for the notepad so gray is in front and green behind the little fold up? Also, can you make the gray a little darker? This is a very cool version of this logo - thanks!