We very muck like entry #26. The cable tie and UNIVERSAL is a great design, we would like to see the word cable tie, larger , starting about under the V and kerning spread out a bit, and a bit closer to the word UNIVERSAL. Would like to see the cable and cable tie word in blue also, instead of orange. We like your work. Thank you so much.
#29#28 Changes, ready. I thought that it made more sense, for the "cable tie" lettering to be at the end of the arc, so when the eye follows/reads the arc ends at "cable tie". Also the "tail" of the icon is better to be visible and go inside the "A" instead been hidden behind the letters.
Also, we just noticed that the holes in the zip tie do not go all the way down the tie. Can you please make sure we have holes represented down the length of the tie. Since we'll need an EPS version of this as well, please use the same shape, etc. for the holes -only smaller - so they look consistent. For some reason the holes at the end of the tie don't look the same as the ones at the top of the tie. Thanks!
Yes at the end of the tie they are not holes, they are the "teeth" that go through the head of the tie. If you still want them to be circular and go all the way down tell write me again a message. One last question, the inc. will be in capital letters without a dot at the end like: INC. ? and where you want it and how big?