Hi there, please find my designs attached. I've created an icon that represents an apple - this is an image often associated with teaching/tutoring - showing the relationship between student and tutor. The design is fresh but professional. The apple is made from the initials U & T with a little leaf on top that also is styled like a green check mark to show positive learning - helping the student to get the right answer etc. There's a few different looks I've uploaded - one of which has the initials carved into the apple. The icon also resembles a 'power on' icon, this ties in with being switched on - intelligence. Please let me know if you'd like to see any changes. Thanks. BMF
Another slightly different version of my design. These use the same T & U icon, but this time use them to create two people united by holding hands. Again it suggests the tutor helping the student. Please let me know if you'd like to see any changes. Thanks. BMF