Great work! Definitely like the more natural colors you have been using. I'm not as concerned with color right now as I am trying to refine the monkey's face. Can you make the monkey features a little more pronounced. Maybe give him more chimpanzee features. Also, can you make him look a little "cooler" and more "hip?" Maybe a pair of sunglasses? So far I'm very impressed with your design! Thanks for making changes!
Nice job! Definitely like the direction you are going with the monkey's face. Could you make the sunglasses like Ray-Ban Wayfarer style and could you add an earpiece to the side to complete them? Also could you make the hairline a little less sharp and experiment with some alternative smiles? Thanks again for you work!
next revision, change the glasses to wayfarer style, variation of smile, the hair line now less sharp, more detailed hair under the ear. I hope you like this one
Excellent!! Sunglasses and hairline are perfect and the hair under the ear is a nice touch! Thank you. Still looking for the right smile, not too big, not too small. Maybe a smile in between this last design and the one with his mouth open and teeth showing. Sunglasses definitely make him look "cooler," now we just need to make him seem friendly like your drawings without the glasses. Also, I really like how you made his jaw stick out more like a chimpanzee, so as you work on the smile keep that in mind. As always, thank you for your work.
this one have same smile with the currently 1st rank design, but I change the eyebrow position so the face looks more friendly, without losing the cool impression.
Thanks for the changes, nalapraja. #38 is our favorite of your designs but we still need the jaw to be larger and more pronounced. If you Google images for "chimpanzee" you can see some examples.
Hi here is an update for the new monkey, I make the chef hat bigger and put collar to the uniform, and I also put a monkey tail to the "y". I hope you like it. Thanks