Voices set free. Hope for those who need to be.
What We Do
Uncaged Canaries is about the power of individual and collective voice. It's about bringing restoration to what was lost. It's a place where writing, song, testimonies, and other forms of creative expression can find a platform, bring freedom, and where we can spur one another on to love and good deeds.
Color Preferences
I am looking for something Elegant, Possibly A Wing Design, with the Text Uncaged Canaries in the center and the slogan included.... I like the idea of a globe in the design possibly, but almost Spa like in Elegance, grace and style. Powerful wings, etc.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I think the logo should be a literal translation of the name Uncaged Canaries and the Mission statement of bringing a voice.I am looking for something Elegant, Possibly A Wing Design, with the Text Uncaged Canaries in the center and the slogan included.... I like the idea of a globe in the design possibly, but almost Spa like in Elegance, grace and style. Powerful wings, etc.