hello and thank you very much again for your invitation. Uploading a scketch with an energetic athlete symbol, modern and very simple, that can be used in just one color for engraving or embroiding and keep it's originality and movement. It also can be used as a stand alone icon. Posting a metallic and strong contrast colors versions for your consideration. I'll be at your service till the end of your contest for any suggestions and comments. Wish you a great evening,
Hi! Here you go an evolution of my previous entry, adding more energy to the persons icon through the traced swoosh, and I'm also entering a new symbol as a person with stylized wings, also suitable for the sports activity and well being, like the spa... Posting gold/silver options and silver red, like you seem to prefer. Feel free to provide any feedback regarding any font, color or shapes suggestions. Wish you a great afternoon,
here you go as promised some new layout for the person icon and a new entry for the innitials as the energetic symbol, with some wings and the customized typefont you've prefered. All the best,
Hi! Just to let you know that I was forced to withdraw my entry with the UF symbol cause another designer states that he owns the U+F letter toghether (think that's ridiculous but couldn't take the risk-I'd wake up tomorrow and if I lost. I'd be removed from the contest): I need to reformulate and I'll submit tomorrow for sure. Wish you a great evening,
Hi! I also don't understand but didn't want to take the chance of losing logocourt and be out of your contest :-( Sometimes injustice makes you even more creative ;-) I've changed the swoosh to avoid the identification with the nike one as you've suggested, and submited the full person with both swooshes, and then as per your suggestions. Also made some innitials entries mixing the previous elements with the innitials. I won't be around till sunday afternoon but I'll check once I'm back if there's anything else I can do. Wish you a great weekend and all the best to your contest,
Hi and thx very much for your kind rating. I'm very sorry but I'm not at home and without access to my files. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon and I'll submit then. I can also make an horizontal version with the logo on left of the text and you can have both versions each for the best usage and space optimization. Wish you a reat saturday and speak tomorrow for sure,
Hi! Right on time. here you go both horizontal and vertical layouts for your consideration, with the slogan added in silver and gold to allow you a full preview. Even afdter contest ends, any needed adjustments are possible for the 1st ranked designer. Wish you a great sunday and best of luck to your contest and business,
Hi Bejan and you're always very much welcome. Here you go the black and white version to allow you to preview embroiding or engraving (as you can see, it keepts it's originality due to the simplicity of the dynamic swooshes) along with a plain white background and a round corners rectangle as part of the logo, if you prefer to use it with a darker background. Wish you a great day,
Question if i was to embroid / engrave or do letter heads would i be able to get the exact colours (mettalic and strong contrast) you have used to use on those applications??
Hi and I'm very glad you've liked them. To embroid, colors would need to be solid ones or Pantone references matching the normal print CMYK values (like the ones I'm posting now as example) since the gradients aren't possible to embroid. As to engrave, the solid black and white version would be the option, to be "punched" in the material (not printed).To print, the gradients are possible to be used with no problems (like a printed picture you see-millions of dots form the image and give the illusion of the various colors by the different CMYK color plates gradients and their mixage). If there's anything else I can help, just let me know. All the best,
Hi and sorry for my mistake. Here you go all options with the correct slogan (I'll post them if you're so kind to re-rank temporarily). If you need any assistance regarding the printing specs I'll be at your service too. As far as the website design work, you can checkout my portfolio page at: http://www.artespraticas.com/Portfolio%203.html I design Photoshop layered and full editable, ready to code (don't know coding :-( but I've done several customized sites this way, since Photoshop files are the prefered file formats for coders (andgood coders don't design ;-) Best of luck whatever is your final choice,
If im able to get the printing specs same as the winning logo that will be excellent then that will make the printers and embrodierers job way easier instead of them trying to colour match it :)
So your able to do websites cool now what will be the goin rate if i was to go ahead with you to design our website??
I just had a look at your link very impressive you have a very vast experience behind you .. is that you on the welcome page???
Yep that's me and my husband :-) Thanks for your kind words. As for the webdesign work, if I can have a good page description/scheme to help me to layout the elements and design the page, I can take 2-3 hrs per page, at my hourly rate of 30$. I can supply a full batch of the logo formats for any future needs if I win to your mail adress since the LT interface only allows the eps and jpg format submissions. All the best,
Hi and you're exceedingly kind :-) For the webdesign work, I ask for a description of the page content to allow me to know what I should enhance on each page, what pictures will be there (yes; pics are needed ;-) the text to be placed (no need for final text since files are editable, but to have the notion of the space each area will need...) and the most hard page is the first, where the style is settled-for the others the task is simpler and faster after that first stage. I've born in Porto, Portugal 41 years ago and always have lived here, just making some trips in my vacationss... I've always loved english since little and now I speak it everyday since 95% of my customers are from abroad.. Best,
Im close to picking the winner :) If i chose you and wante a few things altered after the tournament will u be ablt to do that for me or will i be stuck with only the winning logo i choose??
Will you be able to make changes after the tournament finished and closed and i have selected you as the winner??
I love the colours you have chosen but i dont know what colour uniforms we will be wearing for work and the workers...
Should i keep the backround you have put as the colour of my business cards and signages when i get them done? OR you think i should just have it behind a white backround/??
Hi! I also love the colors and I think the navy color can be an elegant color for the uniforms and for the website background too ;-) I can supply this version as the layout submited here (the LT interface only alows the upload of the .eps vector source of the logo and high res jpg) and I can mail you both with and without background versions to cover any usage, wich I think to suit any future needs. If this suits your needs, I'm at your entire service as usual,
Hi! Posting the requested variation. I don't think that's a problem since they're variations of the same logo. Here I can only upload one version since the interface only allows that but I can mail you those in various file formats after contest ends and we trade contacts. Wish you a great weekend,