entry #95 looks good. tha whale is a little far, could you try to bring it more to the front please. I'm not sure if I am explaining well what I mean. thanks
1. remove the ULTIMA Y NOS VAMOS from the top 2. make the whale larger and even going out of the frame 3. instead of the green line in the background, maybe something more solid 4. instead of the 10 Aniversario, try ULTIMA X 5. instead of the ribbon with 2013 LOS CABOS, try something more simple, like entry #94
you are practically the winner. just need to mix the options to have the final logo. entry #115 with the background of entry #114 and instead of ULTIMA, it would be LA ULITMA thanks
some of the guys think the whale looks a little "feminine". can you make it more tough looking? maybe jumping sideways, not looking so happy. i don't now really.
and lets have another option just in case. loose the whale and instead put the "LA ULTIMA" with the X on the back, with the same background. and the "LOS CABOS 2013" ribbon
dear sir, I tried to make any change to whale and it's look like this #116, #117 and #118 Hope I made them better and I'm really sorry for lack of my design