Ujima MarketLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ujima Market

Ujima Market has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 104 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
#46 / #47

Hi ): Here is my concept. I may have worked on the type a little more, but I was running out of time. The art was created to replicate vintage produce labels (like the paper kinds that farmers used to stick on the outside of open air wooden crates). Many people are familiar with those and I thought that it might be an easy way to make a connection to a time when produce was still natural, healthy & hearty, without having to get too "green" looking. The circle format is very easy to adapt to labels/signs and requires less space. Any changes or ideas you'd like to see, just let me know!

thanks for your time & consideration
12 years ago
Nice job, Josh. Glad you decided to contribute! I like #45's grungy, aged look the best. The basket and produce is the best market image so far. Love it! I'd like to explore some different colors...maybe the border is an eggplant/deep purple color? Not crazy about the teal/turquoise, but don't hate it either. And you're right about the font/type. Something a little more stylized and raw. Let's explore a rectangular logo, too. I really appreciate the thought you put into replicating the vintage produce labels...captures the spirit of our market nicely. #46 has a nice glow to it. Any way to combine the aged look in #45 with the warm glow of #46?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the rank and feedback :) I'll continue to work on some color palettes and look at some alternate shapes. (The illustration is complete - only cropped to fit the circle, so it'll be easy to adapt to a more a rectangular format.) Color changes are easy to do, so I should be able to have several more versions to look at tomorrow (probably early afternoon, if that's okay)

thanks again
12 years ago
Great! I look forward to seeing what you come up with...you're very talented.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the kind words! I try :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#56 / #57

Here is the yellow/gold with the aging, as well as a green option.

#58 / #59

Rectangular version with new type and a close-up of the type (also how it could be used on its own). I tried to make the text look hand-painted (like you'd expect to see on a roadside sand) with some parts where maybe the paint wasn't as thick, etc. - by re-tracing my fonts by hand and then hand-shading them. I think it came out pretty authentic-looking!

I JUST noticed i the updates that you'd like to change the tagline/slogan, so I'll be sure to include that in my next round of revisions.
12 years ago
#59 looks a little too much like a logo for a sports team...not crazy about the monochrome. Like the others better.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry...#59 was more of a supplementary design - so you could get a better look at the type.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you think you'd like the type better if I just removed the underline?
12 years ago
#56 & #58 are great! It's going to be hard to choose between the shapes. I'm still not crazy about the font in either. Let's keep playing with that. I do like these colors best so far. I don't really like the swoosh with the word market on #58.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Here's a version of #58 without the underline. I also moved the veg a little. What do you think about the vegetables spilling out of the frame? I think it's a little more engaging/dynamic...? Also added in the new tagline. I'm going to be away from the desk for a little while, but I'll be back in a couple hours.

thanks for your feedback!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Safi :) I'll keep working on a font choice. Are you wanting something that looks more hand-drawn? Or just something that's more simple, but weathered/aged?

I'll try a few different directions and see if that helps us narrow it down any.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi :) I had this idea I wanted to try before i started with other type options. I drew a bevel for the font face to give it a little more dimension and to make it feel customized. It adds a little more color as well as authenticity to the produce label idea.
For the graphic, I tightened it up a little to cut out some of the dead/open space (I think this gives it a stronger sense of being "packed full" of produce/action) This also makes it more united as a single brand image, rather than everything being spread out and looking like it was pieced together separately.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

same as #68, but with a subtle texture to break up the background a little. :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer

One more addition, I added a bevel to the out frame too - to match up with the type. Sorry :) I'll try not to slam you with a ton of minor changes anymore!!!!!
12 years ago
Josh, thanks for all the options. I didn't feel slammed. I really like the last two you sent. #71 the best without the bevel on the circular border.

I like how you've made the produce look like it's spilling out of the logo. Can you make it spill just a slight bit more, so that the pepper pushes out past the edge of the circle a little bit? And regarding the font. I am really appreciative that you took the time to hand-draw it for authenticity and I do like the bevel. It's the actual font that I'm questioning. What I had in mind was something a little less regular and more like a rough script/handwriting. You might be right on track with this one, though. The more I look at it, the more I like it. Could I see some options for comparison's sake?

I've decided I like the circular logo best. As I kept looking at it today, I noticed that the produce doesn't stand out as much on the gold background. Feel free to play with the colors to come up with what you think looks best. I like the color of the font so far, but you can play with that color too, if you think it best to come up with something you think is balanced and highlights the produce.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
:) thanks for the great feedback! I'll keep thinking and have a new round of revisions for you tomorrow.

12 years ago
I'm not sure which tagline I like best. Will you do examples with both?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
will do! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi! here are some more revisions:

#81 / #82
Larger graphic and some adjustment to the background to make the veg pop out a little more.

Rough, hand-drawn font. Different direction, but I think it still fits with the farm stand sign concept. I went with a very smooth font for the tagline...being that small, I was afraid legibility might be an issue. If you don't like the contrast between the name, though I can draw it.

I also lightened the purple a little - what do you think about that?

thanks :)
12 years ago
This process makes me seem so nitpicky! Hope I'm not being over-critical...

You've got this locked up, you know. We're just working out the details...

First off--you were right with the font. I've looked and looked and haven't found one that is better. Final question on the shape of the font: can you take the curl off the U in Ujima? If not, I can live with it.

I've left #45 ranked 2nd because there's a lot I still like about that one, though I don't like the teal shade. I like that the font is note aged and that it is a deep color (not partial to the red though) while the background, including the image is aged and much lighter. I also really like the fade you've got going on in the beveled font you worked up. Let's keep the fade, but don't have it fade to the same color as the background--slightly darker or deeper shade would be better.

In #80, though I don't like the font for Ujima Market, I do like the font and placement of the tagline. And this is the tagline I'd like to use. I also like the slightly lighter purple in the border.

In #82, background is perfect. Can we find a middle ground in size for the veggies between this design and #71?

We're getting close!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
haha - no, not nitpicking at all!! That's how it works. Your wish is my command ;D

I'm posting these changes tonight and will check again tomorrow throughout the morning. Just so you know = my family & I are going to visit my parents tomorrow (Friday) at noon until Saturday evening (I have two little boys that are DYING to go visit Mimi & Pappy - haha) But I'll check in when I get back home :)

#85 / #86 / #87
I THINK I checked off all the requests - let me know if I missed one. I took the curl off of the "U". Pulled the background color from #82 and downsized the veggies a touch. I actually scaled them so that they now line up with the tagline (pulled from #80).
For the text: I took the weathering off of Ujima Market (I think it pops off a lot more now - which is good) For #87, I deepened the red almost to a brown/cinnamon. For #85, I changed the red to an avocado green, and then on #86, I kept the avocado green at the bottom, but changed the gold to a brighter green. My thinking was that the bright to dark green would better reflect a variety of green/fresh produce (as well as satnd out better from the background)

Any other revisions - or if I'm still not hitting something right - just let me know and I'll keep on it :)

thanks so much for all of your help & feedback
12 years ago
Thanks, Josh. Enjoy your time with the family. We have plenty of time to make final revisions. It may be good for me to take a break and come back with fresh eyes...and ask some friends to take a look, too.

Great job with the most recent revisions...looks like you got it all and they really look great!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks! Enjoy your weekend as well!

Not sure where you're at, but we just got a good-sized amount of snow!
12 years ago
I'm in Asheville...it's 70 degrees today with tornado warnings, supposed to be freezing tonight, and snow tomorrow. Hmmm...
12 years ago
I finally got my husband to look at the logos (he's ridiculously busy) and he liked the teal color best. He said it stood out more and was more noticeable. I don't disagree. Could you develop several different variations of #87 with various background and font colors? And possibly make the word market bigger?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Will do!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#92 / #93 / #94 / #95 / #96

here are some different color variations - all with MARKET enlarged. If there are any color in particular you'd like to see, just let me know :)

12 years ago
Thanks for the options and the size of "market" is just right now. Let's try this: Font color = fade up from deep reddish-purple to golden-orange (very similar to #87), background = variations on #45, outline = #87.

Back to the font style. As my husband and I were looking at the logos this morning, we came back to the font. Because Ujima is not a usual word for most Americans, it's important that it be really legible. With the cursive, it's difficult to read--the "j" doesn't seem distinct from the "U" and the "i". Is it possible to have a similar, beveled font that isn't cursive?
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Just caught this and had the file open already, so I made the color changes quickly. Did you want the stripe texture dropped out, like it is on #45? Or were just wanting match the color?

I'll try some different fonts, but I won't add the different stylistic effects to them. The effects are all added manually by hand (as opposed to an effect "filter" or font with the bevel added in) - I just draw them. It'd take too long to add it for each font, so I'll just put them in "as/is", if that' okay. I should have some option to look at early afternoon. :)

For what it's worth, my 4 year old can read it and he doesn't know cursive. He asked me yesterday what "U - J - I - M - A" spells hahaha

12 years ago
Thanks! Drop the stripe texture and make the background a little more green than blue.

Good to know from the 4 year old!
12 years ago
Logo Designer

here's a quick color change - I'm still working with a couple variations on the fonts to have a a couple hours or so...

He thought it spelled either "vegetables" or "logo" - haha
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#99 / #100

Hi! Here are two font options. I looked through MANY fonts today, but most were too plain to fit the style of the rest of the logo (I was originally looking for a san serif font that was a little more narrow with slightly squared edges to match the current font.) I found a couple, but they came across much too plain to fit the rest of the logo.

I don't know if I've just looked at it too much or what...I'm not really seeing the legibility issue. I thought that could have been a problem with the un-common word, which is originally why I picked the font that I did. But, like I said - I've looked at it a lot so I'm definitely biased. If you have any suggestions or samples for fonts that I could follow, let me know. I'll keep looking through fonts, too.

12 years ago
I'm comfortable with the original font you chose. We might be in the same boat--looking at it too much. I really like #87 and #98 best at this point (though without the stripes). My husband and I will look at them again tonight and hopefully be able to make a decision.

Anyway you could adjust #98 background to be slightly more green and less blue?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
happens to me all of the time...(especially when I stare at zoomed-in, 400%-or-more sized logos!)

This is a stronger green than previous, but still green-blue. I'm trying not to go TOO green so that the greens don't blend in too much.

This one is more in the "grass green" - a touch less yellow than a standard green.

sorry - I know they're very subtle differences. Color's a tough one! :)
12 years ago
Okay. I think we've decided on #87, but would like you to take the vertical stripes out.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds good :)

#103 is without vertical stripe

12 years ago
Okay...last thing. Can you make the word MARKET the same size as #93?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry about that! I've got so many variations spread across so many files, I forgot to pull the updated one. This one should be better.
12 years ago
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