Thanks for you creative designs. I like #258 quite a bit. I'd like to see it with a modified tag line "Two Hearts, One Love - Capturing Memories". I'd like to see your thoughts on integrating the tag line with the graphic elements of the logo. I could envision the Two Hearts outside of the graphic element (on top?), the One Love outside (near bottom?) and the Capturing Moments inside the graphic and just under the 2Hearts Photo. I'd love to see your creative ideas.
I wouldn't worry about #281 - it's not in the running. Your design is cleaner.
Speaking of cleaner - we've decided we need to simplify the tag line to read - Two Hearts Capturing Memories. Can you please change #258 to incorporate that shorter tag line. Also - add a little room between 2Hearts and Photo to better emphasize the closeness of the 2Hearts. Only a few hours left - thanks a million for all of your wonderful designs and continued efforts.
I'm sorry - my head is spinning right now it seems. The tag line we have chosen is Our Hearts Capturing Memories. Can you please adjust your design #258?