Hi there, Few of my submissions as #356, #358 & #359 with a pair of 2 swans & a camera icon...by these 2 swans a heart is creating in between them & a camera is capturing that momment..A professional logo that is 100% meeting with your requirements & your business..It can be used for printing, web etc..Hope you like that.
Kindly let me know if you need more changes. Feedback will be appreciated.
The contest is over but we're hoping you can update #358 by simply deleting the Our Hearts from the tag line. We'd like to see it with the Capturing Memories 1) in it's current location and 2) moved over to the left against the camera.
We'd also like to see the camera graphic a bit smaller. Don't change the layout but just shrink it in size.
Hi there, I've submitted the update version just according to your requirements...
As #377 is an improved version of #358...Where I removed the "Our Hearts" & left the "Capturing Memories" on it's place...I shrink the Camera size & I moved the "2" on the left...I Hope you were just asking about to change like that...Kindly let me know if you need further changes.
Thanks for the update design #378. One last tweak, please. We'd like to see the swans replaced by something similar to that shown in the lens of design #182.
Hi there, I've submitted entries after tweaking like #381 , #382 & #383.
As #381 with red & blue swans with a white outline into a red background. As #382 with red & blue swans without red background. As #383 with red & blue swans bit larger without red background so they seem to be very clear.
Thanks - but what I was hoping to see was figures similar to those in #182. In other words, replace the swans with figures of people. With the swans changed to people I would probably prefer the larger figures without red background option.
We're anxious to wrap this up and hoping we can do that this evening.