twiniteLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / twinite twinite has selected their winning logo design. For $321 they received 163 designs from 20 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Pax Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #163 Withdrawn 5th #123 Withdrawn 6th #149 Withdrawn 7th #143 Withdrawn 8th #148 Withdrawn 9th #140 Withdrawn New #162 Withdrawn New #161 Withdrawn New #160 Withdrawn New #159 Withdrawn New #154 Withdrawn New #153 Withdrawn New #152 Withdrawn New #151 Withdrawn New #141 Withdrawn New #139 Withdrawn New #114 Withdrawn New #111 Withdrawn New #110 Withdrawn New #108 Withdrawn New #107 Withdrawn New #106 Withdrawn Prefers others. #142 Withdrawn Prefers others. #124 Withdrawn Prefers others. #122 Withdrawn Prefers others. #118 Withdrawn Prefers others. #117 Withdrawn Prefers others. #116 Withdrawn Prefers others. #25 Withdrawn Prefers others. #24 Withdrawn Prefers others. #23 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Withdrawn Prefers others. #10 Withdrawn Prefers others. #9 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Discussion Pax Logo Designer Thank you for the opportunity to submit #8 - #9 - #10.Your feedback and requests are always welcomed!Gracias por la oportunidad de presentar logos # 8 - # 9 - # 10.Sus comentarios y peticiones son siempre bienvenidos! 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #11 - The 'i' letters represent people walking into an entrance created by the 'N.'#11 - el 'i' letras representan personas caminando en una entrada creada por el 'N.' 12 years ago twinite Client Hi, could you try with lowercase N (or at least the same size as the rest)?Habla español?Thanks. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer ¡Si, y si!Voy a hacer una versión del logotipo con una minúscula n.Will posit it soon.Thanks! 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #122 — minúscula 'n.'Por favor, hágamelo saber si usted quiere ver ningún otro cambio.¡Gracias! 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #123 — color de fondo correcto (3d3d3d). 12 years ago twinite Client Gracias :)De todas formas el fondo que usabas ya era bastante parecido, el mensaje era sobretodo por el resto que usaban negro.De momento está muy bien, no se nos ocurre nada que se pueda cambiar. Si encuentras tú mismo algo que mejorar (tipografía, colores, etc.) no dudes en subirlo!Un saludo. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer Si. Gracias. Lo haré.#124 es una versión con el color utilizado en el fondo de 2.jpg.Es de color azul oscuro / púrpura como el cielo nocturno.Espero oír de usted pronto. Tiene un gran día. :) 12 years ago twinite Client Si, nos dimos cuenta :)Gracias, igualmente. 12 years ago twinite Client Elimino el #124 para simplificar el ranking, ya que es el mismo logo que #123. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer Estoy totalmente de unsderstand. Estoy feliz de estar siendo el número uno. :) 12 years ago twinite Client #3 is good, could you work on the 'e'? We know is very difficult to balance, but it's also the key of the design, and there it looks weird.Thanks, keep up the good work. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer No hay problema. Voy a trabajar en él.¡Gracias! 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #143 is better than #142, no?Or did you mean #140? I can work on that one also. 12 years ago twinite Client Exactly. Now is much better, is that 'e' from the same font? The 'e' in 140 its ok.#123 for me is almost a perfect logo, the only downside is it looks too serious. If you could play between #123 and #143 maybe you came up with the perfect logo ;) (the 'n' in #143 looks cool)I'll come tomorrow with more feedback after i gather some opinions. (in 10-15h) 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #148 y #149: Más diversión.Sigo pensando #123 es suave y elegante — divertido a su manera. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer #153 y #154: Porque twinite es una red social, pensé que iba a añadir un poco de diversión y usar globos de discurso por encima ambos 'i'. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer Pensé en usar el puntero del mapa como parte del logo, pero no lo hice porque pensé que era demasiado específico y limitante. Creo que parte del logotipo debe estar en los punteros del mapa para la continuidad en la web. ¿Prefiere que trato de agregar el puntero del mapa hasta el logo? 12 years ago twinite Client "Creo que parte del logotipo debe estar en los punteros del mapa para la continuidad en la web." No entiendo muy bien esta frase, puedes hablar en inglés si lo prefieres, lo entiendo perfectamente.#153 #154 el problema es que los bocadillos (globos) son muy pequeños, y no se aprecian. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer I was just saying that some element of the logo should be represented in the map pointers to add brand continuity to the site. I just didn't want to use the map pointer as part of the logo unless you requested it.Make sense?Sorry my Spanish isn't that good. (I was taught by mi carnal from Colombia. South Americans always messup perfectly good Spanish! HA! : ) 12 years ago twinite Client You mean something like using the 'e' (because is an important part of the logo) inside the pointer? If it's that I agree, but i also think it could be another part of the logo, so it wouldn't have to contain any element from the current logo, something like a glass inside the pointer, an owl, wolf, star, moon, etc. (currently we use inside the web a glass inside a pointer to locate venues on the map, for example).I just suggested adding the map pointer because it could be good or even neccessary as an icon for the favicon, for example.Your spanish is really good, but it's something i can't fully understand either in spanish or english :S 12 years ago twinite Client Hola, antes de nada quiero felicitarte por tu excelente trabajo y la dedicación que le has prestado. Tus comentarios nos han sido de gran ayuda y creo que has sabido plasmar bien la idea de la web en el logo. Nos gustaría saber si es posible hacer un mínimo cambio, reemplazando la 'w' del #123 y por la 'w' del #149.Un saludo. 12 years ago Pax Logo Designer Gracias por las amables palabras. Ha sido un placer trabajar en su logotipo.Estoy más que feliz de hacer el cambio que usted solicita. Voy a publicar en breve.~Geoff 12 years ago twinite Client Hola, nos podrías subir el logo #163 y #123, aun seguimos un poco indecisos entre ambos, muchas gracias y un saludo 12 years ago