Great job! Love the font. For #16, can I see the following modifications:
>>View my concept modifications at
1 - Put a golfer swinging (like the guy on #66) to the LEFT of the logo and make a single line going over the TwinCities so that it appears to be the path of a ball into the hole of the .com. Use a dashed line like in my logo (view at Move the flag so it is behind the G. View my concept at
2 - Please put a thin white border around everything so that if it is used on a black background it stands out (like on #34). Please show me what it would look like on a black background, too. For the final product, I would like an all white, all black, and multi-colored versions to accomodate all my background needs.
3 - I would like to use a different golf ball...I can email you the .EPS logo. Please email me at and I will reply back with that
4 - Please make BLACK the Cities, .com, the flag, and Voted MN's #1 Golf Website (leave Twin and Golf Green)